Guilty Pleasure(100)

"Sweet love." Khalid groaned as his head lifted, his lips moving to hers once more. "Little flower. How beautiful you are. You're lost, aren't you, Marty? Lost inside the pleasure. I see it in your eyes, feel it in your body."

He stared down at her, his expression reflecting such hunger, such pleasure that she had to wonder what drove him to these lengths.

"Nothing matters but this," he whispered. "Seeing you. Watching the pleasure transform you. Knowing the ecstasy you find in this will never be forgotten."

It was for her. It wasn't just for him. As she stared up at him that realization tore through her. He loved watching her pleasure. He loved seeing her reaching, tightening for release rather than becoming lost in it with her at these times.

"There, precious." His voice was thick, rough, as she fought the cl**ax now, wanting to hold it back, to make this night last forever, to see this expression on his face for all time.

He smiled down at her. "I won't let you fight it, baby."

Shayne's lips closed over her cl*t as his fingers began to move faster, harder inside the clenched recesses of her pu**y.

"Let me see it, baby. Let me see you come for us."

Shayne flicked his tongue over her cl*t as he sucked it deep, his hungry mouth surrounding it in heat as his fingers shafted inside her with pistoning strokes.

She couldn't hold back. She wanted to. She ached to.

The world exploded around her. Bright prisms of light detonated in front of her eyes as powerful waves of electric sensation began to electrify her flesh.

It sizzled, a phantom stroke that became too much to bear, throwing her through that barrier of light and tossing her into a world of such extreme sensation that she wanted to scream in agony but could only gasp in pleasure.

"Yes, baby." Khalid's voice was guttural now. "Come for us, Marty. Suck his dick with your sweet pu**y. Take it, baby. Take it all."

She was dying inside from the excess of sensation. She was unraveling, coming apart with the pleasure.

No sooner had the wave of orgasm peaked and begun to ease, then they began building her higher.

Who eased between her thighs she wasn't certain. Her eyes were closed tight, her fingers fisted in the sheets beneath her.

Her thighs were lifted, placed over powerful thighs.

Khalid. She knew his body, she knew the touch of his c**k against the sensitive folds of her pu**y.

Her eyes opened to mere slits as she felt Shayne moving in beside her. His lips covered her nipple as she watched Khalid, watched as he lifted her h*ps closer, his gaze focused on the aching flesh of her pu**y as he began to push inside her.

Her back arched. This was pure rapture. The sensation of Shayne's touch was erotic, exciting, but the feel of Khalid taking her was like feeling electricity pound through her entire body.

His c**k eased inside her, working through the tight muscles, stroking them, caressing them with the wide head of his erection, and then the heavily veined shaft.

Her h*ps arched closer, cries began spilling from her lips as the overwhelming sensations began to arc through her body. It was like tidal waves, never ending, laying destruction to any hope she may have had of retaining any part of her soul where he was concerned.

But there was already no hope. He'd stolen it along with her heart.

"Fuck. Sweet Marty," he moaned, as he worked deeper, deeper inside her. "So f**king tight. Like a fist clenched around my dick."

She clenched tighter, the involuntary reaction to his words slamming through her womb with spasms of sensation bordering on pain. The pleasure was too intense, too incredible.

Shayne's lips drew tighter on her breast as Khalid began to move inside her, deeper, harder. He was taking her on a roller-coaster ride of such incredible power that she couldn't do anything but hang on for the ride.

And the ride was incredible. As Khalid's c**k thrust and stroked inside her, Shayne's lips played with her ni**les as his fingers slid down her stomach to the distended bundle of nerves between her thighs.

She was being stroked, taken, caressed, in ways she couldn't have anticipated. They drove her higher, sent her spinning through a sensual universe so filled with pleasure that it was almost agony.

She was crying, trying to scream. She writhed and arched into the driving strokes of Khalid's c**k as she fought to take him deeper, harder.

"There, sweetheart," Shayne's voice began to croon at her ear. "Fuck, you're pretty, taking that dick. All flowered open and slick and sweet." His fingers strummed against her cl*t now, driving sensation through the core of her as her pu**y tightened around Khalid's thrusting cock.