Forbidden Pleasure(97)

And she couldn’t bear that. Not yet. Maybe next time. For now, she had to figure out for herself how she felt about this and how she intended to deal with the complications that would arise.

There was no keeping those pictures hidden. If they hadn’t already made the rounds of the county, then they would tonight.

“What happened?” Mac’s voice was a low growl, a warning of the impending anger ready to rise.

“I told you, you should have just f**ked her and had done with it fifteen years ago,” she told him with a tight smile. “She would be a little rude now.”

“Did she make a scene?” he snapped.

God help Delia Staten if she had, because Keiley couldn’t lie to him about it.

“She didn’t make a scene, just showed her ass in front of her friends.” She shrugged. It was basically the truth. “So, did your handy-dandy little gadget show anyone in the house?”

His lips tightened. “Not yet.”

“Then let’s go get dinner,” she stated. “I’m in the mood for Casey’s. What about the two of you?”

She was aware of the probing looks she was receiving from both men as she pulled open the door to the truck.

“I thought you wanted to get home,” Mac pointed out.

“I don’t want to cook, and I don’t want to clean up anyone else’s mess,” she told them both, knowing her mocking smile wasn’t fooling anyone. “I need a drink and a hot meal, and I want to dance. We haven’t gone dancing in a long time Mac.”

“She wants to go dancing?” Jethro flicked Mac a suspicious look. She caught it, she knew questions would come later, but hopefully, they would let it go for now.

“Keiley?” Mac caught her arm, turning her to face him, his eyes roiling, the gray shifting and moving in a thunderous pattern. “What did she do?”

“As I said, she made an ass of her herself.” Keiley drew in a deep breath as she stared back at him imploringly. “We’ll talk about it later. I promise.”

Later. When she could face him with the fact that she had made a decision that should have involved both of them. She had told Delia to shove that picture in a less-than-polite place and walked out, knowing what would happen. Before the end of the night, it would be in every attachment to every e-mail address in the county. If it wasn’t already.

“Definitely later,” he informed her, his voice hard. “But if you’ve let Delia escape me while I could wring her skinny damned neck, then I’ll paddle your ass.”

The wave of heat that overtook her was shocking. It clenched her womb, spasmed between her thighs as silky damp heat spilled to her panties.

“Promises, promises,” she whispered, but she was aware that the huskiness of her voice owed as much to arousal as it did to the tears that tightened her throat. “Are we ready to go?”

She lifted herself into the front seat, moving to the middle that she had refused to use earlier as she flipped back the padded console and stared back at Jethro intently.

“Backseats are only good for one thing,” she told him. “And all three of us can’t fit back there.”

His eyes darkened immediately, whereas the thunderous pitch of grays in Mac’s eyes suddenly stilled. Sexual hunger stamped their features and knowledge lit their expressions.

Could they feel her building need? Nearly two days without satisfaction, with teasing touches and near desperation, always interrupted before they could find a time and a place to relieve the hunger pouring through all of them.

She wasn’t fighting this. The time for fighting was over. It was over the minute she dared Mac to bring Jethro into their home. It was over the day she married him, knowing that this time would come.

She was in love with two men. The potential for heartbreak had suddenly doubled, the risk to her heart was greater, but like she had told Jethro earlier, sometimes a person had to take a risk in life.

She watched as he moved into the truck, his body crowding in close to hers as Mac moved to the driver’s side and took his own seat. She was between them, surrounded by their heat, by their arousal. Protected by their strength.

As Mac started the truck, her gaze moved back to the Staten mansion. There, Delia Staten stood in the open doorway, her gaze piercing as she stared at the truck. Jealousy and hatred were reflected in Delia’s expression as Keiley met her gaze. And vengeance. The other woman would do whatever she could to destroy her, and Keiley knew it.

“I’m going to take care of this,” Mac muttered as he circled around the drive and headed back to the main road.

“I don’t need you to take care of this. You can’t fight these battles for me, Mac. I have to do it on my own.”

“You expect me to just sit back while she makes your life miserable?” he snarled, his head jerking around to glare at her before turning back to the road.