Forbidden Pleasure(93)

“Mac, you remember Delia.” Victoria introduced her as Delia cleared her throat rudely. “My daughter-in-law.”

Delia flushed at the reminder, her brown eyes darkening with anger as her flat cheekbones flushed in anger.

Delia was as pretty as she had ever been, but Mac sensed she was more vicious than he had ever suspected her of being.

He nodded. “Evenin’, Delia.”

Jethro leaned against his hip, watching the scene with a sense of mounting fury. He could see the edge of cruelty in Delia Staten’s lips and in the vengeful glitter of her eyes as she glanced at Keiley.

“We heard you had a friend staying,” Delia drawled, brushing back a strand of long silken brown hair over her shoulder. “Keiley’s been very greedy keeping the two of you to herself.”

Jethro’s jaw clenched at the veiled insult of her voice and watched as Mac tensed. Keiley’s chin lifted as her hazel eyes narrowed and Victoria Staten seemed resigned.

“Delia, dear, why don’t you round everyone up and get them into the ballroom?” Victoria suggested. “Keiley and I will be up momentarily.”

It was a very polite, very pointed command.

“Of course, Victoria,” she gritted out. “Do hurry, though, we can’t begin the meeting without you.” Her gaze when it flicked to Keiley promised retribution.

Jethro watched as the woman turned, graceful, furious, her back ramrod-straight, her chin held high as she stalked off.

“Mrs. Staten, no offense intended, but that young woman could do well with a nice little spanking.”

Victoria’s eyes widened as Keiley gasped. A second later, a rich, feminine laugh filled the air.

“You could be right, Mr. Riggs. Unfortunately, my son seems unable to apply the punishment as needed, I fear.”

“Poor guy.” He shook his head disparagingly. “She runs right over him, huh?”

Victoria turned to Mac. “Your friend is a bit of a rogue,” she informed him with the cutest little bow-shaped smile for a woman her age.

“He’s a bit of something,” Keiley muttered behind her.

Jethro arched his brow as he caught her gaze, promising her, promising himself, later, he would show her the fine art of heating up her backside as he heated that hot little pu**y.

“Now, Keiley, I think he seems like a fine young man,” Victoria disagreed. “Like Mac. Powerful and very aware of his own charm.”

Jethro wasn’t certain if that was a compliment or an insult. He glanced back at her, a grin tugging at his lips as her astute gaze went over him once again.

“I can guess why the two of you are escorting Keiley.” The laughter left her face as she glanced first from him to Mac. “These ugly rumors making their way around?”

“I hear Delia’s behind much of the commotion, Victoria,” Mac stated softly. “I want it stopped.”

Victoria sighed at the rebuke in his voice. “I have no idea where she’s getting her information from. I’ve made my son aware of the problem, and he’s promised to take care of it. If he doesn’t, then I shall,” she promised. “But remember, John, this is a small community. Games played in private are rarely ever kept in quiet.”

Mac stared back at Victoria. He could see the knowledge in her eyes, her awareness of the tension that existed between him, Keiley, and Jethro. She wasn’t a dense woman. She knew men and she knew women, and she knew that the nature of gossip began from a grain of sand and revealed the mountain in the mist.

“And you know I don’t give a damn about gossip,” Mac reminded her, his voice hardening. “But I won’t have Keiley hurt.”

“And what makes the two of you think I need you stepping in to fight my battles?” Keiley stepped away, flicking both of them an irate look at that point. “I’m going inside. You can play the badassed agents all you want. I’ve had enough of it.”

“Your language, dear,” Victoria reproved gently. “A lady never curses in public. There are much better ways to handle the delicate male ego.”

Keiley paused. “With a two-by-four?” she asked.

Victoria’s lips pursed as a smile tugged at her lips.

“Only as a last resort,” she murmured humorously. “And never in public.”