Forbidden Pleasure(106)

Jethro glanced at the clock. Hell, midnight was a good time for a snack.

“I’ll make the bed. You two hurry with that shower and we’ll scrounge something up in the kitchen.”

“Yeah, that soup I was working on earlier would have been good. Too bad someone wouldn’t let me finish it.”

“Shower.” Jethro led her into the bathroom.

“A bath would be better,” she murmured. “In my big bathtub. We would all fit.”

Her sultry voice had his erection bobbing in agreement.

“Shower.” His stomach was growling in demand. “You can bathe tomorrow.”

“Make me wait and I’ll bathe by myself.” She pouted.

The love that suddenly flooded him at her half-teasing, half-seductive look nearly brought him to his knees. He shouldn’t love her this much, he told himself as he adjusted her water and pulled her in behind him. He shouldn’t love her to the point that his knees weakened and his chest tightened with the ferocity of it.

As he washed her hair, then cleaned her sleek body, he couldn’t help but caress her washrag. To worship her here just as she did in that damned bed. He couldn’t help but to want to give her anything, everything she could ever want.

And now he knew the hell Mac must have gone through before resigning from the Bureau. He remembered watching his friend’s eyes that last day in the club, seeing the regret, the love, and the fears that filled him.

One man could give a woman more pleasure than she ever conceived. But two, two who knew each other as well as he and Mac did, could give a woman such pleasure that she glowed from the inside out with it.

Keiley glowed. Her eyes were more green than hazel, her body sated and relaxed beneath his hands. There wasn’t so much as an inch of her body that hadn’t been kissed, stroked, loved.

He rinsed her gently, then stood staring down at her, his hands framing her face.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you,” she sighed, still not comfortable, he could tell, with loving two men. “But you two are going to drive me insane with it, and I know it.”

“No one has ever gone crazy from too much lovin’, sweetheart.” He grinned down at her.

“No, they went crazy from trying to control all that testosterone,” she told him, her gaze assuring him that she was clearly laughing at him.

“Well, then, you have it easy. You’ll just let the testosterone control you. No danger that way.”

“Uh-huh. We’ll just see how that one works out for you. Ask Mac. He’ll tell you how easy that one is.”

He leaned forward, giving her a rakish smile. “He already told me. I particularly like the story where you chased him through the house with his own baseball bat.”

Her face flushed. Jethro remembered Mac’s amused chagrin at that one. His jealous demand that she not take a particular local job because the business owner was a known charmer. The argument that lasted three days. The day of the meeting Mac had slipped her keys from her purse and she caught him.

By time she left for her meeting, a less than happy Mac had been nursing his bruised pride. Not because she had hit him, but because he hadn’t been certain she wouldn’t hit him. She had taken the bat with her and Mac had waited at home. Because, as she had put it, if he followed her, it only proved her didn’t trust her. And no marriage could survive without that trust.

“Mac overexaggerates sometimes.” She cleared her throat, obviously holding back her laughter.

“I think he underexaggerates,” he said then. “He said you were as beautiful as a pissed-off fairy. I bet you were a damned sight prettier.”

“Have either of you macho men seen a fairy?” she suddenly burst out. “No comparison. They could be ugly. Haggard. They could have warts on private parts of their bodies. You could be insulting me.”

He caught her around the waist as she pushed at his shoulders, the water pelting around them, her laughter shining in her face.

“No. I see a fairy every time I see you. Delicate and shining. So innocent you make grown men weep to make you wicked and so sultry you make them howl to possess you. You’re pure, Keiley. Never let anyone tell you different.”

She paused then, staring back at him with narrowed eyes. “What happened with that picture isn’t your and Mac’s fault.”

“We didn’t protect you.”