
She could feel his erection against her thigh, but there seemed to be no haste in him to relieve his arousal. He touched her gently, easily. The caresses as calming as they were arousing.

“Just stuff,” she sighed. “I was shameless last night, wasn’t I?”

She heard the note of pride in her voice and almost winced.

“You were indeed shameless,” he chuckled. “And wet and wild. So f**king hot you were incredible.”

She turned back to him.

“Why do you share, Sax?” she asked him then. “You’ve said it’s for the women’s pleasure, but that doesn’t make sense.”

“Why not?” He propped his head on his hand as he levered up, watching her curiously. “Do you think I don’t find pleasure in it, Marey?”

“I wouldn’t find pleasure in seeing another woman touch you.” She frowned at that thought. She would feel murderous.

“And you won’t ever have to,” he promised. “But you can’t deny you enjoyed what happened last night with Daniel. That you haven’t thought of it, looked forward to it. I heard it in your voice, saw it in your eyes and your response. Why did you enjoy it?”

“Because I’m a pervert,” she snorted sarcastically. “Now your excuse?”

He laughed, a smile curving those sexy lips as he stared down at her reprovingly.

“Shame on you,” he growled. “You’re not a pervert. You’re a very sexy, very sexual woman. That edge of the forbidden is exciting though, isn’t it? Makes the pleasure higher, hotter. Maybe that’s why we like it. I don’t know. But it’s something I wouldn’t want to do without. Seeing you like that, embraced between myself and Daniel, your eyes dazed, your face flushed, pleasure swamping every particle of your being is addictive. It’s a high, baby, only unlike any other I’ve ever known.”

“Beats drugs, huh?” She rolled her eyes expressively.

His grin kicked in again, his chocolate brown eyes watching her closely, warmly.

She was so lost, she thought. She had lost her damned heart to this man so long ago and now she faced losing him.

“I love you, you know.” He said the words so simply, so matter-of-factly that for a moment, she was certain she hadn’t heard him correctly.

“Boy, you really like to play dirty pool,” she snapped then, anger, helplessness washing over her. “You couldn’t at least wait until this was settled? Until Vince was caught and I could make sense of any of this?”

She jumped from the bed, casting him a furious glare as she jerked the shirt she was using for a gown from the small chair beside the bed and pulled it on. He was lying back on the pillows, watching her somberly, his eyes piercing her, filling her with guilt.

“I like things clear,” he amended calmly. “Don’t play dumb, baby. You knew this was more than an affair when you went into it.”

There he was, just lying back in the bed, his erection tenting the sheet, staring back at her in that calm, solemn way of his. What the hell was she supposed to say? To do?

“I can’t even think about this.” She pushed her fingers through her hair in irritation. “I won’t think about this. Not until Vince…”

“This excuse is getting old.” His voice never changed inflection but it still hardened, grew deeper. “It’s like you pull it around you whenever you can’t face what’s growing between us. It’s a crutch.”

“That isn’t true,” she snapped back defensively. “He’s dangerous…”

“Because you refused to stop him when his violence escalated.” She flinched at the calm accusation, staring back at him furiously.

“It doesn’t matter why it happened.” She breathed in deeply, fighting to make sense of the clash of emotions rising inside her now. “I can’t make decisions about the future now.”

“I’m not asking you to make decisions, Marey.” His smile was a wolf’s snarl, predatory, confident.

Rising from the bed, completely unashamed of his nudity and the erection jutting from between his thighs, he stalked toward her.

“It doesn’t take a decision.” Gripping the neckline of the T-shirt with both hands, he tugged forcefully, ripping it down the front as she stared back at him in shock, gasping in arousal. “It doesn’t take anything from you, baby. I’m not asking for anything. I don’t have to ask. I know what’s mine and I know how to claim it.”

He pulled her to him, a strong, forceful movement as he gripped her hips. His head lowered, his lips covering hers, possessively, dominantly.

She couldn’t hold back her moan. There was nothing like Sax’s kiss or the way he held her to him. He seemed to surround her, his heat and his strength protecting her even as his kiss ravished her senses.