
Sax punched the security code quickly on the control panel, which automatically unlocked the door for him to swing it open. Lights flipped on inside the house, casting a gentle, soft glow through the large living room.

“Daniel, you know Marey Dumont.” Sax introduced them as he headed for the bar at the side of the room. “Would you like a drink, Daniel?”

A drink? He was staying long enough for a drink?

Marey cast the other man a glare from beneath her lowered lashes. In return, she got a slow, wicked smile and she was going to ignore what that did to her overly aroused body, she assured herself.

“Hello, Ms. Dumont.” He nodded, his deep voice a rumbling in his chest as he watched her closely. “You’re looking lovely as ever.”

“Good to see you, Daniel.” She nodded briefly before turning to Sax. “I’ll wait on you upstairs…”

She turned to leave the room. If she didn’t get the hell away from him, she was not going to control herself.

“Marey.” His voice stopped her as she turned from him. Turning back slowly, she watched him with narrow-eyed warning. “Daniel might need to ask you some questions. You should stay.” His voice hardened.

Okay, she hated bossy men, but the sound of his voice, the warning implicit in it, had her pu**y clenching spasmodically.

She licked her lips quickly, fighting to control her breathing as she faced him, aware of Daniel watching the scene. She bared her teeth at him, ignoring the flare of amusement in his eyes as she did so.

Daniel was a Trojan. For a moment, her knees weakened at the suspicion and the arousal that overwhelmed her at the thought. Sax was moving faster than she had anticipated if he had planned this.

She breathed in deeply. She had waited years for this. She had known the day she pulled into the parking lot of that damned motel what would happen if she ever went to Sax’s bed. This would be part of it, she had known. The sharing. And she wanted it.

For a moment, she wondered if she should have felt shame. It wasn’t every relationship that began with the understanding that there would often be more to the sexual depth than was considered decent. If so, then she guessed she was shameless. She had known for years that Sax was more sexual, more dominant than other men. She had gone to that motel knowing, knowing it would never end with one night, knowing that eventually, she’d be part of the lifestyle she knew he led, if she managed to hold onto him long enough to experience it.

She ignored the little voice in the back of her head that warned her this was more than sex. The part of her heart that weakened, softened, and laughed gently at her refusal to look beyond the sexual, or to delve deeper into the fact that it was a lifestyle she would have never embraced with another man.

She would eventually walk away. Most likely sooner than later, simply because she knew she couldn’t bear the fear, day in and day out, that he would leave her. That the day would come that he would wake up, bored by her, having realized it was only the sex holding them together rather than any emotion on his part. Though she had to admit, he played the loving suitor quite well.

“In that case, I’ll have a glass of wine if you don’t mind.” She tried to relax, to still the trembling in her hands, in her body as she met his gaze.

A slow smile shaped his full lips as he nodded slowly.

Walking slowly, swallowing tightly, she moved to the couch and sat down. Sweet mercy. Her muscles clenched, convulsed around the thick plug as she moved. She wasn’t going to survive this.

She watched as Sax handed Daniel his whisky on ice then moved to her with the wine he had poured. She needed something to still the nerves rising inside her, and the depraved images running through her mind.

“Does your ex-husband have any computer skills, Ms. Dumont?” Daniel sat in the chair across from her, his gray eyes watching her curiously, knowingly.

“Not that I’m aware of.” She accepted the wine from Sax, forcing her attention on the questions as he sat beside her. Close. Reminding her of how well they seemed to fit together.

“Any friends who do?” Daniel leaned back in his chair, crossing his ankle over the opposite knee. “Your security company’s computers were hacked into night before last. We think this is how he managed to get the security codes. He didn’t break the system.”

Geez, she was supposed to think right now?

“Vince’s friends rarely called or came to the house.” She concentrated on trying to control her breathing, but it wasn’t easy when Daniel flicked a glance to her br**sts. Her ni**les were standing out, hard and tight and getting worse as Sax began to stroke her neck with his fingers.

“Do you remember any of his friends? Names, anything?”

She breathed in deeply. “We were barely married a year, Daniel. And I can’t remember the few people he did introduce me to.”

She could barely remember her own name right now.

Sax’s fingers drifted to her collarbone, then the upper edge of her breast.

Marey lifted the wine to her lips and took a heavy drink. Her hand was trembling and she couldn’t stop it.

“Daniel, maybe questioning Marey should be done later,” Sax said gently.