
“I trust you to protect me,” she finally answered, clearing her throat nervously. “It has nothing to do with that. I’m used to protecting myself, Sax.”

She had been doing it for a long time. She might have messed up a time or two, but for the most part, she thought she’d done a fairly good job.

“And Vince is determined to hurt you, no matter the cost to himself,” he told her quietly. “You know you can’t fight him, Marey, you’ve seen that. He tried to kill you.”

“I don’t need you to stand in front of me.” She turned away from him, furious herself now as she paced to the sliding glass doors that led to the deck. “Dammit, Sax, why do you think I’ve stayed away from you? Why do you think I’ve lived like a nun in that damned fortress Father built, and forgot I was woman all these years? He’s crazy. He could try to kill someone.”

“Yes, he could,” he snapped, but not in anger, more in frustration. “And that someone could be you. Because he knows you’re not strong enough to fight back. Until the sheriff apprehends him and the courts put him away for good, you need to stay safe. I can keep you safe.”

He said the last sentence as he moved behind her, pulling her against his much taller body, his strong, warm body, as she fought the weakness that filled hers. He made her weak, made her want to lean on him, trust him. How insane was that? She knew better than to trust anyone.

“If you walk away now, Marey, it’s forever.” He lowered his head, pressing a kiss to her hair as his eyes met hers in the glass. “Now, are you going to the office with me, or do you want me to take you to that hotel?”

She stared back at him, their gazes locked in the glass of the sliding doors, and frowned fiercely.

“You are going to piss me off,” she finally snapped.

Surprise flared in his eyes. Surprise and arousal.

“Baby, that’s a given,” he chuckled. “Now, make up your mind and let’s get out of here. I have work waiting.”

Chapter Eight

Sax watched from beneath his lashes as Marey lounged on the couch on the other side of the room, calmly flipping through a magazine as he worked on the reports he needed to finish up for the day.

She was driving him crazy. She was as calm and placid as a mountain lake right now, waiting on him, as though it was nothing unusual to have little or nothing to fill her day. He knew she was an editor for a small publishing company, one that published extremely erotic content. She hadn’t been the one to reveal the information though, it had been Ella who had dropped that little bomb months before.

Was that how she had learned to sit so silently, immersing herself in whatever she was reading? Or had she learned patience and silence while caring for her ill parents so many years ago?

There was so much about her that he needed to know. So many ways he wanted to learn everything possible about this intriguing woman.

“Bored?” he asked curiously.

She glanced up, her gaze a bit distant as it met his.

“No.” She shook her head. “I have company.”

She lifted the edge of the magazine before returning her attention to the article she was reading. It wasn’t fluff. The news magazine was one of his favorites actually.

He shifted in his chair, attempting to ease the uncomfortable weight of his throbbing erection.

“Do you need to run by your house before we head back to mine?” he asked her then. “Pick anything up?”

She glanced up again. “No. I should have enough for a few days.”

Her attention went back to the magazine. It made him crazy. Made him horny. She was as calm and relaxed as a summer’s day, and just as damned hot. He knew how hot she could get, how wet and sweet.

“How long has it been since you’ve had a lover?” he asked her then, shifting to relieve the discomfort of his hard-on.

He watched her tense before she looked back at him, narrow-eyed and suspicious, but hot.

She glanced at her watch mockingly.

“Eight hours maybe?” She went back to the magazine.

Sax observed her for long moments. She looked cool as hell, but he could see the altered breathing, the heavy rise and fall of her br**sts. She was aroused. Just that fast. Her ni**les were pressing tight against her shirt, her face flushed just enough to testify to her heat.

“Before that,” he bit out between clenched teeth, waiting, his erection throbbing in agony.