Dawn's Awakening(40)


She purred. Seth heard the sound and felt the head of his c**k flex and throb before pumping a fierce blast of se**n against her back.

He thought he was going to lose it right there. She had purred for him. Rumor was that the female Breeds didn’t purr. The males could, especially during sensual, sexual activities, but not the females. His female did. She stretched in his arms, her pert little ass tucked against his thighs, and a low, soft rumble vibrated either in her throat or beneath those pretty, swollen br**sts, he couldn’t be certain which. It wasn’t a constant rumble, about the duration of a sigh, but it went through his bloodstream like wildfire. His Cougar purred. His fierce, determined, explosive little mate had purred for him. His teeth clenched as he opened the door of the shower, keeping one arm securely around her, and jerked the towel from the warming bar on the shower door. It was soft and warm, perfect to dry her. Just as the scented oil he had laid out by the bed was perfect to stroke her. If he could find the control to do it. If he could wait just a little bit longer to possess her, then he would try it out as well. He had oils to match the soaps. What was obsessive if not that? God in heaven what had made him think he could ever live his life without this woman?

“Let me dry you.” He turned her in his arms, gazing down at the drowsy, sensual features as she stared back at him in feminine confusion.

“Why are you doing this?” She was watching him as though the answer were important to her. As though the fact that he was doing it astounded her.

“Because I’ve dreamed of it.” His lips quirked into an unwilling smile. “Dawn, I’ve fantasized about it. Even after the hormones from the mating heat disappeared, I still stood in the shower and jacked off thinking about it.”

“Even when you were with the others?” A sparkle of anger lit the depths of her eyes. Seth drew the towel down her back, over her rear, and stared back at her somberly. “Even then, Dawn. And even then, there was no satisfaction. There was only the emptiness that gnawed at me, no matter where I went or what I did.”

He should have fought for her, he thought again. He should have told Jonas and Callan to go to hell rather than letting them play upon his own fears. That had been his weakness. She was so small and delicate, and he was so much larger that he had already feared hurting her. Once he’d seen those images, the soul-deep knowledge of the damage he could do to her had slammed into his brain.

“I dreamed of you too,” she whispered, and the sound of her voice broke his heart. All the loneliness, all the agonizing nights of arousal and heartache that he had felt now echoed in her voice. “I dreamed you came to me.”

“And I’ve come to you.” He dried her slowly before quickly whisking the towel over his own body. When he lifted her in his arms, his chest actually ached. She gasped in surprise, her hands catching at his shoulders as though no one had ever carried her. And he didn’t doubt no one had. He doubted Dawn had ever been spoiled with either affection or pleasures.

“What are you doing?” Her voice was thin, faint, as he carried her to the bed.

“Seducing my mate.” He put his knee on the mattress and lowered her to it. “Are you willing to be

seduced, mate?”

Her face seemed to transform. It softened, grew more sensual as her eyes slitted with seductive awareness.

“You really want to seduce me?” There was innocent wonder in her voice, a woman’s surprise and pleasure. A lover’s sensuality.

“More than I want to draw my next breath,” he revealed, and he knew it was the truth. Nothing mattered—not riches or fame, not breathing or living—other than seducing this woman. He had lived his life, gone through each adventure, each trial and success, for one purpose. For this purpose. For this moment when everything he had was focused on pleasuring his woman. He moved over her, watching as she reclined on the bed, alluring and naturally sensual, her leg bending, her knee rubbing against his hip as he braced his arms on the bed beside her and leaned in to taste paradise.

To taste her kiss.

Magic and flames, pure energy and electricity—that was Dawn’s kiss, and it sank into his soul with the force of a tidal wave. He tasted the mating hormone that flowed from the glands of her tongue and murmured his appreciation for the sweet spiciness. But it was her lips, the curl of her tongue against his, the feel of her hands, her nails sliding over his arms that entranced him. He wanted to feel those sharp little nails on his shoulders, his back, digging in and raking him in her pleasure.

Seth pulled back from the kiss as he heard a moan whisper from her throat. He licked at her lips and let her chase his tongue with hers. He nibbled at the lower curve and felt her tongue rub against his upper lip. It was sexy and sensuous, wickedly seductive. It wasn’t the devouring, desperate greed of their past kisses. This was slow and sweet, his eyes locked with hers and that confused innocence filling her face. The rapt, absorbed pleasure, the uncertainty that he would complete it.

“Let me know,” he whispered against her perfect, passion-swollen lips. “Tell me, Dawn, if I frighten you.”

She frowned back at him. “Why would I be frightened?”

Why indeed.

He kissed the tip of her nose and felt her stretch beneath him, the inside of her thigh rubbing against his leg, her pebble-hard ni**les burning his chest.

He could feel the need to bury himself inside her building in his balls, but stronger, moving deeper inside him was the need to simply love her. To give her the pleasure, the caresses, the building need and loving adoration he had always fantasized about.

Seth had never loved another woman. He had f**ked them, he had played with them, but until now, until Dawn, he had never loved.

Dawn couldn’t believe the pleasure coursing through her senses as Seth kissed her nose, then moved his lips to her jaw, to the sensitive flesh of her neck.

The glands beneath her tongue had eased, the hormone that filled them now filling him instead. He had taken it, suckling it from her, using his lips, his tongue, the warmth of his mouth to take it all. To consume it, to leave her free of the torrential effects that came from having it fill her senses. And still he touched her so gently. His lips moved over her neck as she panted for air; his hands bunched on the bed beside her, holding his weight above her as he pleasured her with his lips. Just his lips. He sipped from her flesh, then from her ni**les. He drew the tight, hard points into his mouth and ignored her desperate cry as he suckled them into the heated depths of his mouth.

“Seth. Oh, Seth. It’s so good.” It was a pleasure she didn’t know if she could endure. She could feel each tug of his mouth as it sent echoing sensations to her clit. Her juices spilled from her vagina, gathered on the folds of her pu**y and tormented her clit with the moisture. She opened her eyes, staring at where his lips covered the tip of her breast and watched the perspiration as it ran in slow rivulets down the side of his face.

The heat. It was burning in him and she knew the destructive power of it. But he was slow, easy, licking at her nipple and groaning as her hands caressed his shoulders, his back.

“Ah yes, Dawn,” he rasped as his lips slid down the slope of her breast to her stomach. “Touch me, sweetheart. I dream of your touch. Your hands on my flesh. So soft, so sweet.”