Dawn's Awakening(24)

“Seth, unlock this door.” Striking, furious fists pounded on the door to the office as a snarl tore from Dawn’s lips and a curse jerked from Seth’s.

He was staring at her thighs, at the wet flesh, plump and swollen and aching for him. She didn’t know what this felt like; she had dreamed of him almost touching her there, almost bringing her ease, and now the dream was so close.

He licked his lips and leaned forward.

“Open this door or I’ll find someone to open it for me. Are you hurt? Has that feline bitch hurt you, Seth?” False hysteria echoed through the panel as Seth surged to his feet, jerked Dawn’s pants to her hips and just as quickly rebuttoned them.

Dawn stared back at him in shock as he tried to draw her shirt back over her shoulders.

“Hell, I ripped your f**king shirt.” He stared at it as though horrified.

“Seth. Open this door.”

“Seth, don’t touch her,” Dawn pleaded. She stopped him as he tried to fix her shirt, staring up at him, feeling the agony, the burst of pain that ripped through her at the memory of him holding the other woman. “Please. Not in front of me. Don’t touch her.”

His lips tightened.

“Seth, damn you!” Pure rage flowed into the room.

A bitter curse slipped from his mouth as he strode forcefully to the door, unlocked it and jerked it open. Dawn stood where she was; she couldn’t have moved away from the desk if she’d had to. She didn’t pull the shirt over her black bra, and she didn’t flush as Caroline’s eyes landed first on her, then Seth. She took in their undress, the ripped shirts and the scratches on Seth’s shoulders. And he did have a fine set of scratches, Dawn thought in satisfaction.

Caroline had a bloodred wrap tied around her overblown body, and her br**sts were heaving in fury as she stared at Seth in disgust.

“I can’t believe you,” she sneered. “Ripped clothes, scratches.” Her fingers flipped toward his shoulders.

“You’re in here messing around with that trampy little animal when I was waiting for you upstairs.”

“That’s enough, Caroline,” Seth snapped, the anger building in his voice now. “What happened here was my fault. Not hers.”

“I believe I kissed you first.” Dawn smiled tightly at the other woman as her gaze jerked back to her.

“Dammit, Dawn.” Seth turned to glare back at her.

She met his look head-on. If he didn’t get rid of that black-haired slut, she was going to use her nails to scratch her eyes out.

Caroline’s fingers clenched at her sides. “We need to talk,” she ordered Seth imperiously. “Now.”

“He’s busy,” Dawn informed her as Seth parted his lips to speak. “Or hadn’t you noticed?”

An unattractive splotchy red filled the other woman’s face as her eyes bugged out at Dawn.

“That thing.” She pointed a shaky finger back at Dawn. “Get rid of her now.”

“She’s so melodramatic, Seth,” Dawn drawled despite the gut-wrenching agony ripping through her body. Seth stood between them, staring at Dawn as though he had never seen her before. “How do you stand it? I’d have pitched her off a cliff by now.”

“Seth.” Bloodred nails uncurled and latched onto Seth’s arm. Dawn’s eyes jerked to the contact and she saw red. She saw blood rushing across her gaze as a haze of pure fury began to flow over her senses.

“Dawn!” Seth’s voice, commanding, sharp, jerked her gaze back to him. “We’ll talk later.”

She scowled back at him as she straightened against the desk.

“Excuse me?” She could barely force the words past her lips.

“I said, we will talk later,” he snapped. “Much later.”

He turned, grabbed Caroline’s wrist and pulled her from the doorway as Dawn watched in shock and betrayal.

They would talk later?