Dawn's Awakening(21)

Lawe snorted into the line. “Hell, let the man get some, Dawn. It’s been a long dry spell for him, hasn’t it?”

Her lips thinned. Fat lot he knew. “Who’s lead on this little party, Lawe?” she snapped. “According to my information, I’m commanding here, not you.”

“Didn’t know Seth’s sex life was included in your area of jurisdiction,” he stated mockingly. “But sure, I’m all for fun and games. I’ll keep him high and dry until you can meet with him.”

She caught her lip on the edge of a snarl before her gaze tracked the room again, only to be snared by Seth’s. He was standing next to the president of Foreman Motors, his gray eyes watching her with mocking knowledge and an edge of anger. She could see the anger in the tight curl of his sensual lips, in the narrowed, dangerous gaze.

Her heart began to race, her mouth dried out and her tongue itched. It itched to the point that she ran it over her teeth to ease the irritation. She was jumpy, agitated and too aware of the way Seth continually glanced at her. There was a hint of retribution in his gaze, a promise of retaliation in the hard set of his expression.

He was angry with her, and he had good reason to be. She avoided him like the plague whenever he came to Sanctuary, and through the years had fought every assignment Jonas had tried to give her in Seth’s vicinity, until now. Because she knew the danger in being around him. She knew the nightmares, the fears and the incomprehensible pain of turning away from him. But could anything hurt more than this?

Right now?

He affected her, and she couldn’t allow that now, because he didn’t want her. He made her flesh tingle, her tongue itch to kiss him, and her body ache for his touch. And Dawn didn’t enjoy touch. No one’s touch. And it had only grown worse over the years. It was irritating. It made her flesh cringe and old nightmares resurface. She couldn’t stand the nightmares. She couldn’t face them. But she also didn’t know if she could live another day without his touch. Without his tongue along hers, his body pressed against her flesh.

She fought back another shiver as Seth’s gaze raked over her black uniform, pausing at her br**sts, her thighs, before moving back to her eyes. She could feel the response beating through her bloodstream, tightening her ni**les and her sex, making her clit awaken with the dampness that only he could call forth, to torment her.

Sexual response. She knew what it was. She knew and it terrified her even as it sent blood pounding through her veins as though in anticipation. Anticipation of something he had no intention of giving in to now.

She forced herself to turn away, to return to the party and the headache of ensuring his security. Seth

wasn’t big on helping with that. As one of the Breeds’ leading proponents and supporters, the Breeds took his security very seriously. His death, right now, would be a major inconvenience. She ignored the little voice inside her that howled in fury at the thought of anything happening to Seth. Her palms were sweating, her instincts going into overdrive. Nothing could happen to Seth. It was her job to protect him; she didn’t fail. Not anymore. She had failed when she was younger. Failed to protect herself and to warn others of the danger coming. Failed to find the strength she needed to fight back. She was strong now. She knew how to fight back. She knew how to protect herself and those she was assigned to protect. And Seth could hate it, and her, all he wanted to. But she would protect him. With her life, if need be.

The door closed with a bang that would have caused a lesser woman to flinch. Dawn merely glanced at it, then at Seth as he tore his tie from around his neck and glared at her from the center of his home office.

“What the hell was so damned important?” he snapped at her, his gaze roiling with anger. Dawn’s lips thinned. “Your precious Miss Carrington just slipped naked into your bedroom. Were you aware of this?”

His eyes narrowed. “I didn’t know it, but what business is it of yours?”

“She’s ovulating and she’s not on birth control. Fuck her and she’s going to end up conceiving.” Her fists clenched at the thought.

“For God’s sake, do you think I leave such protection up to the women I f**k?” he asked her incredulously, his voice rising as he glowered down at her, his sharply defined face set in savage, arrogant lines. “And I’ll ask you again, what business is it of yours?”

Dawn could feel the anger, and the arousal, rolling off him in waves now. It stroked over her flesh, heated it, made her jumpy. This was why she hated being around Seth; he made her jumpy. Made her too aware of the fact that she was indeed a woman, and that she had never touched a man in pleasure. Had never known a lover’s touch.

She stepped back. “You’re right, not my business.”

Something exploded in her head. Some sensation, some instinct that she couldn’t make sense of. She shook her head, feeling her lip twitch into a snarl as a blistering curse left Seth’s lips.

“Is that all you wanted to tell me?” His dark voice was colder, more arrogant now. Dawn could smell the arousal coming from him, and it pissed her off. She had no right to be angry with him. She had no right to care whom he f**ked.

“Eager to head to your bed, Mr. Lawrence?” She was shocked at the snarl in her voice then, at the anger that surged through her. “A willing sacrifice to Miss Carrington’s plans for impending nuptials?”

“Well, I’m not getting any younger, Agent Daniels,” he sneered in return. “And I’m sick and damned

tired of a lonely f**king bed.”

Dawn flinched at the accusation in his voice even as something primal, something she couldn’t understand, began beating in her heart. The blood was racing through her body, awareness spiking in her head. He was going to do it. He was going to go to that woman’s body, spill his seed inside her. He was going to actually let another female touch him.

She didn’t try to stop the growl that pulled from her chest this time.


“Excuse me?” He arched a brow as sarcasm echoed in his voice. “You have no say in the matter, Agent Daniels. Your job is to keep me from being kidnapped during the act, not keep me from the act itself.”

Her fingers clenched, itched. Her tongue felt thick, swollen within her mouth. A strangely spicy, heated taste began to fill her senses as she tried to draw enough air into her lungs to keep from strangling on her fury.

“She doesn’t love you. You don’t love her,” she hissed.