Dangerous Pleasure(11)

“Not nearly enough of a change to keep from f**king my brother’s sister.”

Paige blinked back at him. “Damn, that sounded almost depraved, Abram. Would you like to rephrase?”

He turned. Male grace and predatory strength. And pulsing, blazing, male lust.

She could feel her pu**y creaming, saturating her panties further and sensitizing her cl*t to the point of painful need.

Just the sight of him was enough to make her ache, to make her crave with a strength and a power that made her knees weak.

He was tall, broad, and muscular. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his six-four frame, or beneath the exceptionally soft white shirt and well-worn jeans.

Finishing the whiskey he sat the glass on the bar behind him, his gaze never leaving hers. She could feel that look through every inch of her body. Sensitized and aching for his touch, her sk felt too tight, constricting as she tried to still the rapid rise and fall of her br**sts.

“Rephrasing isn’t the only thing I’d like to do, or may attempt to do.” The heavy warning in his voice was followed by a heavy-lidded glance along her body.

Hell, she may as well have been naked. Unfortunately, there was a part of her that wished she was naked.

Paige didn’t have to look down to see that her ni**les were trying to burrow their way through the silk of her gown.

She didn’t bother to tug the robe over the swollen curves or even pretend a shame she didn’t feel. And it wasn’t the first time she’d been forced to face Abram as an independent woman rather than the submissive child he often expected her to portray.

Unfortunately, he was rarely shocked by her anymore.

“And what makes now any different from the past years? There was a time when I would have welcomed your touch, Abram, but now I can’t help but be suspicious. What the hell is going on?”

“Besides your determination to acquire that spanking I keep promising you with?” He spoke as though he were serious.

“Promises, promises. My ass stopped tingling in anticipation years ago.” She waved the comment away. “That doesn’t change the fact that unless you tell Khalid’s goons out there to get out of my face and let me go home, I’m going to have every one of you brought up on charges. That wouldn’t please your daddy, Abram. Last I heard old man Azir was already pissed because you were refusing to remarry for the sake of a child.”

Her ass had stopped tingling in anticipation? Abram nearly came in his damned jeans with that comment. His c**k hardened to pure iron, the head throbbed, and if there wasn’t pr**cum in his jeans, then he wasn’t iron hard.

Paige watched his black eyes flare with renewed lust. A perfectly arched, perfectly male black brow rose lazily. “Are the phones in the house not working?” He all but smirked as he ignored her last comment.

Her lips thinned. “I’m trying to be nice about this, Abram. Don’t make me call the authorities.”

He waved his hand toward the phone on a nearby desk in invitation. “I didn’t kidnap you, Paige. Daniel Conover and his security team did so, at your brother’s orders and with FBI Director Zachary Jennings’s approval. Would you like to call the authorities now, hellcat?”

She glared back at him irritably. “Stop calling me that.… And it would likely do just as much good to call the cops now as it would to call Khalid,” she snapped. “Get me out of here this.."

She was desperate. If she had to stay locked up even one day longer she was going to go crazy. There was nothing to do here. No way to focus her energy or to stop fantasizing about this man who seemed intent on dancing through her mind at all hours of the day and night.

If she didn’t find a way to return home, to get back to her job—knowing now that Abram was the one slipping into the house at night—then she might end up making the biggest mistake of her life.… begging him to take her to his bed and to finish what he had started eight years before.

“Take me home.” She crossed her arms over her breast and stared back at him firmly.

“I can’t do that.” He shook his head, his expression suddenly somber. “Relax, Paige. Enjoy a nice vacation for a few more weeks—”

“Weeks!” Her eyes widened as amazed disbelief flashed through her and rejection instantly snapped through her mind. “Hell no!” Her hands went to her h*ps as she confronted him furiously now. “I have a job, Abram. I have a life…”

“Not if you leave here.” His tone was suddenly ominous, his expression hardening as though he knew the danger she would face, whatever it may be.

She was damned glad someone knew what was going on, because she sure didn’t.

“What the hell do you mean by that?”

She could feel a premonition of danger then, even stronger than what she had felt in the past ten days.

Khalid wouldn’t just kidnap her without a reason. A part of her had known that whatever was going on was more than simply a suspicion of danger. It was more than a threat against Khalid and Abram.