Coyote's Mate(88)

“He would have,” she admitted. “But I wanted to discuss Sofia with you as well.”

“And you’d prefer not to allow emotion to become involved in the discussion.” He nodded as he rose to his feet. “I understand, Coya. But rest easy, you can place that responsibility on my shoulders.”

She watched as he left the office, closing the door behind him before she turned to the computer monitor and the small light blinking in the lower corner.

She pressed the hidden button that revealed the digital keyboard inset in the desk and tapped another button to bring up the conversation box before sliding it into an encryption program her father had helped her to create.

We’re worried about you, the message stated. Your father is well?

Father is well, she answered. And he sends his regards.

How did you find us? The question came quickly. We’ve stayed well hidden.

We’re friends, Anya typed. I used what I knew. Information I knew others wouldn’t have.

Doctors Chernov and Sobolova had hidden themselves well. But Anya knew the forums they inhabited online. It had taken her a few days, but she had finally managed to locate their online identities.

How may we help you?

Anya considered that question carefully. She had to be careful; if she had found this information, then others could as well, and if her encryption was cracked, then she could endanger them all.

I would like to meet, Anya typed.

Here or there?


The cursor blinked longingly for several seconds.

Is the welcome sign up or is it open season?

Unfortunately, it could still be open season without the answers I need first. I ask that you use caution but make the trip with all haste.

For you.

The answer had her closing in momentary relief. This line is not always safe, she typed. Please contact secondary source, which will direct you from here on out.

We appreciate your discretion in first contact. We hope to see you soon. The message ended and the screen disconnected as Anya closed the keyboard and breathed out roughly.

She could be making a mistake. She could be risking Del-Rey’s rage, she knew. Hopefully, she wasn’t risking the lives of friends as well.

Dr. Chernov and Dr. Sobolova were dedicated scientists and geneticists. Their work in the labs after they took over had been rumored to be some of the most advanced in understanding the Coyote genetics and many of the Breed’s strengths and weaknesses.

Several of the Coyote Breeds coming in from the Middle East had been secretly trained in the psychology of the Coyotes as well as advanced medicines. The lab facilities there had been considered to be ahead of their time. The training there was rumored to have stirred controversy among the scientists within the Genetics Council.

It would be hard for the Coyote Breeds to accept any Council scientist into Base, but the situation was becoming intolerable. Dr. Armani couldn’t treat both species. It wasn’t going to work. The Breeds coming in didn’t have the knowledge needed to work independently of a scientist proven in the areas of Breed physiology and genetic makeup.

Del-Rey had told her that if she could find someone she trusted her friends with, then she could have them. Then he had turned right around and forbade it.

Her lips thinned. The first promise was the one that counted, she decided, as she signed several more reports on the e-pad and sent them to the respective pack leaders awaiting them.

With that finished, she rose from her desk, tucked her cotton shirt into the band of her jeans and inhaled slowly. The heat had been easier today. Much easier. But then, Del-Rey had spent the past three days making certain that the hormonal releases she needed were given in quantity, as well as quality.

She flushed at that, then grinned. He was an incredible lover whether the heat was present or not. And as he had promised, he had more than made up for that first time that he had taken her.

As she moved for the door, e-pad in hand, the link at her ear beeped, a distinctive signal that had her smiling as she stepped from the room.

“Yes?” She answered her alpha’s call with a surge of excitement as her bodyguards converged behind her with a snicker and Ashley muttered, “Lovesick.”