Coyote's Mate(75)

Anya gritted her teeth as she jerked the door open and pulled Ashley into the bedroom with a firm yank. Eyes wide, her lips open in a surprised little moue, the other woman stared back at Anya in confusion as she shoved an e-pad at her. “Just need you to sign at the X, Coya.”

“He hasn’t read the tabloid stories about that great and wonderful love affair we’ve had. Just exactly how much did the three of you pay those papers to plant those stories anyway?”

Ashley looked everywhere but at Anya for long seconds before pursing her lips and shuffling her feet. “Didn’t have to pay them a damned thing,” she muttered. “They just about orgasm when you give them dish. How did you know?”

“You might be subtle, but I’ve had a lot of years to figure the three of you out; I’m not stupid,” she sniffed.

Ashley nodded slowly before peeking toward the shower. “Been a while since I’ve seen the alpha’s bare ass. Can I sneak a peek? It’s probably my birthday. It would make a great present.”

Anya’s eyes narrowed.

“Oookay,” Ashley drawled as she shoved her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and rolled on the heels of the boots she wore. “So we heading to Haven in a bit?”

“In a bit,” Anya ground out as she stalked to the bed and tossed the clothes on it.

She dried off quickly before pulling on panties and bra.

She quickly dressed in the snug black pants and gray sweater before sitting down and pulling on thin socks and shoving her feet into the black dressy boots.

“Hey, boss man.” Ashley’s voice piped up with amused appreciation. “Damn, look at those chest hairs. Damn sexy. Turn around and flash me some buns.”

Anya’s head whipped around to see her mate, striding from the shower room with nothing but a towel tucked at his waist.

“Watch the bleach in the hair dye, Ash.” He grinned. “Maybe you should see Doc Armani. I think the animal genetics are recessing in favor of the human where you’re concerned.”

Ashley rolled her eyes. “You’re just being mean to me, that’s all,” she griped good-naturedly before turning to Anya. “Sharone, Emma and I will be in the community room if you need us.” She turned to go.

“No, you won’t.” Anya stopped her. “You’re going to collect your co-conspirators and get the rest of the day’s reports together for me. I’ll go over them while Del-Rey and I are at Haven. Send them to my PDA and be ready to go whenever your alpha decides we’re leaving.”

“Perhaps your coya can tell you when we’re leaving,” Del-Rey said evenly. “She seems to have everything else planned out in her day.”

“She’s good like that. We taught her well, huh?” Ashley winked back at him before turning to Anya once again. “I’m on the run then, Coya. Files to PDA, prep for adventure in Haven. I wonder if Styx will try to pinch Emma’s ass again. It’s always fun watching her try to kick his bad ass.”

Ashley turned and made a quick exit as Del-Rey growled low and warningly. The steel door slammed behind her, electronic locks engaging as Anya turned back to Del-Rey slowly.

“Brim should be here any minute,” she told him. “He’s been waiting for you to wake up.”

“And will he have any reports for me?” Del-Rey asked her silkily.

“Most definitely,” she promised. “And I should know, because I put most of them together. If you have any questions though, I’m sure he can answer them.”

She watched as he dropped the towel and had to swallow tightly at the sight of his erection. Heaven help her, she wanted him again. She could feel the muscles between her thighs flexing, her panties dampening.

He looked back at her from beneath his lashes, his tongue touching his full lower lips, wicked lust filling his expression as he moved toward her.

“You dressed too fast.” His voice deepened, his body tensed.

Anya shook her head, feeling her breathing escalate. She was still tender and she was heating up for him again.

“Um, I think . . .” She was saved from saying more when the security alert chimed again. “I think that’s Brim. He has reports. And stuff.” She backed to the door as he stilled, watching her with that predatory look of hunger. “Maybe you should get dressed.” The security alert chimed again as the monitor showed Brim’s impatient features. “Look, he’s in a hurry.”

Del-Rey’s rumbled growl of discontent raced up her spine as he moved to the small dresser and yanked free a pair of white underwear before pulling them on. Jeans came next before he padded to the door, watching her intently, his gaze never leaving her until he opened the door.

Anya slid back to the side of the room and breathed out roughly as Brim stepped into the short hall.

“She’s taking over. She’s got the pack leaders panting under her thumb, and I’ll be damned if she’s not setting up quarters for the Coyotes heading here. She’s even suggested hiring a damned cook, Del-Rey.”

Anya bit her lip as she glanced over at her mate and smiled brightly.