An Inconvenient Mate(76)

Grant bristled and shook his head at Kate in disapproval.

Looking at Grant she said, “I’m sorry, but you don’t know him.”

“Neither do you,” Grant said, frowning.

Yes, I do.

She threaded her fingers through Nathaniel’s, tightening her grip on his hand. When they reached the lobby, she realized she hadn’t needed to worry about a scene erupting. Nathaniel hadn’t given Grant a second glance, and Grant hadn’t interfered with her decision to leave. Kate was grateful for reasonable men.

“I have a room here,” she said.

“Does your room have a balcony that looks over the city?”

“No,” she said with a smile. “I may work with a muse, but I don’t have her bankroll. Because of tonight’s event, this hotel is booked solid with people who can afford to pay a lot for a great view.”

“Well, I have a balcony to my room. At the hotel across the street.”

“You have a room at the Grand?”

“A suite, yes. For the night,” he said, nodding. “Will you come?”

With a slow smile, she said, “Yes.” Her gown whispered over the lobby carpet as they crossed to the front doors. “But aren’t you worried about ruining my reputation by taking me there?”

“No,” he said, holding the door for her.

“You remember that the world has changed?”

“Yes.” He paused. “Also, I plan to convince you to marry me.” Her brows rose, and he flashed a smile, stepping outside. “A handfasting ceremony is easily accomplished.”

“What kind of—?” Kate didn’t complete the question on the tip of her tongue because the words evaporated when she spotted a killer.

Chapter Seven

“Shit. It’s Merrick,” Kate said.

“You know him?”

“Of him. The ventala have sent their biggest gun after you. And he’s not alone,” she said. “That pair next to the black sedan are the son and daughter of the syndicate boss. And the guys getting out of the car are more ventala. A hit squad,” she said, yanking his arm, trying to pull him back toward the Clarity.

“No, Kate,” Nathaniel said, standing firm. “Archangels don’t run. If Merrick has betrayed me, I will deal with him. And anyone else who confronts me.”

She blinked at the set of Nathaniel’s jaw. One moment he was all romantic innocence. The next he was harder than bronze and battle ready.

Nathaniel caught her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. “Please wait for me inside, Kate. I’ll try not to be very long.”

An incredulous sound rose from her throat.

“Go ahead.”

“Like hell,” she said, yanking open her purse and clutching the antique dagger she’d taken from a wall display in Alissa’s house. Kate would’ve preferred something with firepower, but the muses collected things for their historical significance and beauty, not for actual use.

“You’re carrying a weapon?” Nathaniel asked. “Don’t you trust me to protect you?”

“I know you’re very capable, but we’re often pretty outnumbered.”

“I’m outnumbered. That need not be a risk to you, Kate. Go inside where you’ll be safe.”
