An Inconvenient Mate(67)

“You do some brilliant work, Ms. Devane, so I’m going to trust that if you’re here on the night of the holiday party, you’ve got a good reason.”

Thank God! She pressed her lips closed and nodded.

“Don’t disrespect my trust. You remember how to handle the materials?”

She nodded again.

“Then go in.”

She didn’t exhale until she was inside the climate-controlled, moisture-controlled safe-deposit box of a room.

Nathaniel ate spiced lamb with peppered figs in an apricot glaze. It might have been the most delicious food he’d ever consumed, but given the current state of his memory it was hard to tell.

Merrick’s knowledge of archangels was secondhand but useful. Apparently the fallen archangels kept their bodies for eternity, but those who had not fallen were given new and better bodies on occasion. It took about a day for the soul to bond with its new shell and for the angel’s memories to organize themselves within a new brain. It was fascinating.

“If this body is new, how did you recognize me?” Nathaniel asked.

“You get upgraded DNA with each body, but you look the same.”

Nathaniel nodded. “That explains how Kate recognized me from her dreams.” Nathaniel paused as warmth flowed through him at the thought of her. He had woken near her house, so it stood to reason that Heaven had wanted him to find her, but to what end? Was his association with her meant to provide him with information he needed? Or was there something else—something more emotional—that he was to gain from his relationship with her? He hoped for the latter, recalling the feel of her soft lips against his.

Nathaniel asked, “Do you consider yourself skilled with women?”

Merrick quirked a brow. At moments like this, the dark-haired ventala seemed to regret the bargain they’d forged. Talkative wasn’t an adjective ever associated with Merrick, and at present, Merrick had apparently far exceeded his conversation quota for the day.

For him to do this, that muse must be very important to him, Nathaniel thought.

“You’re an angel, Nathaniel. Once you bond with that body, very few women will be able to resist you. Give it a day, and you won’t need my help. Or anyone else’s.”

“I’m not certain it will be that easy with Kate.”

Merrick steepled his fingers. “Then find out what she wants and what she needs, and give her those things.”

“How can I find out what she wants and needs? By asking her?”

Merrick laughed. “No. She may not even know, and if she did, she wouldn’t tell you. It’s your job to figure it out. Spend time with her and pay attention.”

“The problem is that I want her now. Without delay.”

Merrick smiled. “Welcome to the plight of being male.”

Nathaniel tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling. “I wish there was a demon she needed me to kill. I could accomplish that with pleasure and efficiency.”

“That would be convenient.”

“It seems to me that it was easier in the time of my birth. Women needed men for many things. Less so now. Kate lives alone and earns her own living. And though she was quick to offer me aid, she doesn’t want to admit that at times she needs help in return. It puts us at odds.” Nathaniel glanced at Merrick, whose expression revealed less than the Sphinx’s. “She was angry when I left. I was gruff because I was jealous that she chose to enter the Etherlin with another man, rather than come with me. She was so friendly with them. It infuriated me. I want her for myself alone.”

“Be careful of jealousy.”

Nathaniel nodded. “I recognize the danger, but her appeal is distracting. I find it challenging to organize my thoughts when I’m near her.”

“The muses’ holiday party will be a good opportunity. Humans like celebrating, and they’re sentimental during the holidays. Kate will probably be in a good mood and a little better for wine; she’ll be more likely to forgive you if you make a mistake.”

“Good. Kate’s important to me,” Nathaniel said. “At moments, it’s hard to think of anything besides her. That seems significant. Perhaps she was chosen for me. If so, I have to comply with what’s ordained, and so must she.”

“Don’t tell Kate, or even imply, that you’re pursuing her because you’re under orders to.”

Nathaniel frowned. “You suggest subterfuge and dishonesty? Demons deal in those, not angels.”