Aiden's Charity(52)

Wolfe pushed the extra chair from beneath the table with his foot as he watched her. Hawke saw the

fear that flashed in her eyes. She paled for a moment, her lower lip trembling as she walked over and took her seat.

She stared forward, not defiantly, but rather somberly. She had accepted her fate.

“Jessica, would you like to tell us why you betrayed us?” Hope’s voice was gentle, soft. Hawke watched Jessica flinch from the caring tone. She glanced at Wolfe then. He was watching her intently, his expression cold, forbidding.

“I have no excuse.” Her voice was husky, rough from unshed tears. It caused pain to lash through his gut, taking his breath with the need to rush into the room to protect her, if nothing else, from her fears. Hawke was aware of Jacob walking up and standing beside him then.Moving silently to the glass, watching the proceedings broodingly.

“You sent a message that Charity had died.That you yourself had seen the body. You pulled Hope and Faith into the communications building with you using a very weak excuse.” Wolfe’s tone had her flinching with his anger. “I do not believe you wanted to see our women harmed, Jessica. Yet still, you gave your father the coordinates to our personal homes and allowed that attack. Why?” He bared his teeth, the sharp canines at the side of his mouth drawing her gaze. Hawke watched her pale further as she swallowed with a sick tightness. Her creamy skin was snow white now, her dark blue eyes nearly black with fear. Her gaze flickered to Hope.

“I did all I could,” she whispered faintly.“To minimize damage.”

Wolfe leaned forward slowly, dangerously. A smooth ripple of motion that had her jerking, a whimper of fear breaking from her throat.

“You signed the Code,” he said harshly as she trembled before him. “You knew the consequences.”

Hawke’s hands tightened to fists as the need to protect her surged through his body.

“I knew the consequences.” For all its faintness, her voice was strong. “I accept them.”

“Death,” Wolfe bit out ferociously. “Death, Jessica.An execution. Were you prepared for that?”

Her eyes closed briefly before she turned her head, staring at the leader of the Packs, regret and unbearable pain shining in her eyes.

“I was prepared for that, Pack Leader,” she whispered. “I knew the consequences are death.”

In that moment, Hawke felt his soul shatter.