Aiden's Charity(39)

“What?” His voice was strained, guttural.

She fought for breath, her eyes closing in ecstasy as she clamped her muscles on his cock, milking it to intensify the heated sensations running through her body.

“Charity.”His voice was warning.

His c**k was buried halfway inside her, stretching her with a pleasure/pain as a hard pulse of silky fluid exploded from the tip of his erection. He moaned as she whimpered in pleasure.

“Feel that,” she cried out, shuddering in his arms.“Oh God, Aiden, what is that doing to me?”

Her cunt heated further, relaxing marginally around the flared head as he suddenly thrust hard and deep inside her. Her hands went out from under her, her cheek hitting the mattress as she gasped for breath.

“Are you playing scientist, Charity?” he crooned seductively at the back of her neck as he pushed her farther up the mattress, tucking her knees beneath her as he mounted her more firmly. “Feel what happens to bad little girls who try to play scientist as their mate f**ks them.”

He taught her the lesson well. He held tightly to her h*ps as his c**k powered hard and fast inside the greedy depths of her pu**y.Stroking her like a living flame, burning her with a lust that left her begging, pleading for release. Her body tightened, ripples of her impending orgasm fluttering in her womb, when he suddenly stopped.

“No. No.” She twisted against him desperately as her entire body protested at the abrupt cessation. Her cunt gripped him, tightened as she fought to finish the impending explosion.

“Bad little mate,” he whispered at her ear as he pulled back with excruciating slowness. She could feel the sensitive tissue, overfilled, stretching then aching in protest as he retreated. Only to scream out in need as he began to burrow back inside her. Slow, so f**kingslow she knew it was going to kill her. He filled her, stretching the tissue of her cunt, the fragile muscles, with an exquisitely slow push that ensured she felt every minute caress of his c**k sliding into her gripping, rippling pu**y.

“Oh God.Aiden.You’re killing me.” She tried to back into him with a quick thrust of her h*ps that he easily controlled by holding the curves in his hard, broad hands.

“I am pleasuring you,” he argued thickly. “Feel the pleasure, Charity.”

His c**k throbbed inside her as a hard blast of liquid shot against the sensitized walls of her cunt. She shuddered. The heat built inside the tight confines of her vagina and blazed throughout the rest of her body.

“You’re torturing me,” she cried out as he slid back until only the head of his c**k rested inside her.

“What are you thinking about now, mate?” he growled, his breath caressing her ear, his voice strained with his own arousal. “Are you thinking of what your body is doing, or are you feeling what my body is doing to you?”

“Now,” she panted, his words making no sense as heat speared through her womb. “Oh God, Aiden, f**k me now.”

She was filled with him. In a single hard stroke he impaled her with the length of his erection, searing nerve endings, filling her pu**y until the heat and pleasure catapulted her into orgasm.Hard, almost brutal strokes that had her screaming through her release, shuddering convulsively, jerking in his arms as he locked hard and tight inside her, his own release pouring into her in pulse after pulse of fire. Charity collapsed beneath him, her body still humming with the hard aftershocks of release, weariness settling over her like a dark, comforting blanket. Then she realized it was Aiden’s body. Broad and heated, holding his full weight on his elbows, his breaths laboring as another explosion of seed pulsed into her pu**y.

“I’m going to sleep,” she mumbled, knowing from experience he would be locked inside her for several moments longer. “Tuck me in when you’re done.”

His chuckle was rough, deep at her ear as he breathed in deeply.

“First you’re analyzing our bodies’ responses, now you’re falling asleep on me. You’ll give me a complex, mate.” In retaliation he moved, causing the knot to tug within the sensitive, swollen muscles of her cunt.

She jerked, shuddered as the mini orgasm washed through her body, convulsing her womb as his seed shot inside her again.

“Oh hell,” she whispered. “God, Aiden, don’t do that. I can’t stand it. I apologize. I promise.”

What else could she do? Exhaustion was like a demon inside her now, demanding her rest. Her eyes closed as she drifted in the satisfaction, the repletion of having him still locked within her, a part of her. She was warm and without pain, comforted inside and out, drifting in a haze of well being. She was only barely aware of his moving, his c**k finally sliding free of her body. Within seconds, before her body had time to chill, he had moved her beneath the blankets, tucking them around her, kissing her brow gently.

“Sleep, love,” he whispered softly as she drifted away. “I will guard you better from here on out.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Charity stepped outside the cabin the next morning dressed in the soft gray cotton pants and matching tank top Aiden had purchased the day before. She wore socks and comfortable canvas sneakers on her feet and found herself amazed at the thought of how long it had been since she had worn either. She stood at the top of the steps of the small porch and tried to ignore the two men stationed close by. Aiden had warned her before leaving that morning that the guards would be present at all times.For her protection. They were protecting the very person who had brought the danger in on them. She drew in a deep breath, sitting down on the porch step as she carefully balanced the cup of coffee on her knee. Finding the can of coffee under the cabinet had been a stroke of luck. Another of the few pleasures she had been denied in the past years.

She sipped at the dark brew, barely holding back a moan of appreciation. Rich and fragrant, the liquid seemed to sink into her cells, reminding her of all the small pleasures that had been absent for so long. The sounds from the compound reminded her of other things. Laughter echoed from one of the storehouses down the graveled path as several men joked and talked while they unloaded a pickup filled with supplies. Farther down a group of men and womenwere training in one of the grassy areas. Grunts and groans and general laughter accompanied their exertions. In the Council Labs there had never been laughter. Training was a fierce “do or die” exercise. If you didn’t excel there were punishments awaiting that defieddescription. Charity closed her eyes, remembering well the screams of pain that resulted from those punishments. Their lives from birth hadn’t been easy. And more died than ever survived the rigorous life they had been condemned to. The evil that was the Council knew no mercy, either, for their creations or for their employees. The sound of a vehicle moving from the other end of the gravel path drew her attention. She turned her head, watching with a smile as Nikki pulled up in a small, canopied golf cart-type vehicle. She stepped from the vehicle and walked to the porch with a welcoming smile.

“That coffee is very bad for you.” The cup was plucked from Charity’s hand and in the same movement Nikki lifted it to her own lips and finished it off quickly. “There, no more of that bad stuff for you.”

Charity blinked at her in surprise.

“Damn, Nikki. You know how long it’s been since I’ve had coffee?” she asked her mildly, though she was more than a little upset at having her treat stolen so cavalierly.