A Christmas Kiss(96)

She was abandoned, losing herself to him with a trust and innate passion that at once humbled him and left him shaking with lust.

Pressing her legs farther apart, he watched her face as he let his tongue lick through the narrow slit of her pu**y. The taste of her ambrosia. It was sweet and wild, causing him to groan with a rumbled growl at the intoxicating essence.

She was like nothing he had ever tasted before. A narcotic he couldn’t deny himself. A sweet, powerful drug. Drawing his tongue through the rich juices, he let it circle the hard little nub of her clit. He licked over it, flicking his tongue against it as she jerked and shuddered in pleasure beneath him.

Shattered little moans tore from her lips as she watched him. Her gaze was heavy lidded, her blue eyes almost neon as she panted for air beneath the lash of his tongue.

How long he had waited for her, he thought. And it was worth every agonizing month. It was worth the endless nights to have her now, wet and wild beneath him as he tasted her.

Drawing the tight little bud of her clit into his mouth, he sucked it gently, firmly. She bucked beneath the caress, her hips arching as her hands buried in his hair again.

With his hands beneath her knees he urged her legs higher, groaning in pleasure when her small feet rested against his shoulders. It left her open to him, defenseless. His tongue moved lower, circled the fluttering, snug entrance to her pu**y before he tunneled inside it with a hard, hungry thrust.

Her juices spilled against his tongue as the tender muscles of her pu**y clenched around the invader. A high, desperate cry spilled from her lips and he forced himself to remain still, just for a second, just until the impending orgasm eased inside her.

Then he licked her. With his tongue working slow and easy inside the gripping opening, he licked at the sweetness, drew ragged cries from her lips and tasted paradise.

The more he had of her, the more he wanted. As she began to tighten, to burn for orgasm, he pushed her higher, harder. His tongue thrust inside her as his fingers gripped her rear, parting the curves as his fingers slid inside the narrow crevice and found the tiny, sensitive entrance there.

He didn’t breach it. He massaged it, rubbed it. His tongue f**ked inside her pu**y with lightning strokes as he stimulated the nerve-laden area beyond.

Within seconds he felt her orgasm blooming. Her body tightened. High, tight little cries tore from her lips and then she jerked, shuddered, and he felt her explode.

Jessica swore she was dying. Pleasure exploded inside her in a wave of light and heat that rushed through her mind and over her nerve endings to detonate in her womb. Like fingers of electric energy it sped through her system, throwing her into the burning center of a sun that she couldn’t escape, that exploded on and on until she felt as though she were no more than fragments drifting on a wild wind.

And still, Hawke wasn’t finished. As she fought to catch her breath his lips lifted from her sex and he was dragging his body along hers as her legs fell to his hips.

The head of his c**k tucked against the tender opening of her pu**y as a whimper of impending ecstasy passed her lips.

“Sweet Jess,” he groaned as he bent above her, his lips feathering over hers as the head of his c**k pressed inside her. “Sweet love. Sweet mate.” The last words seemed torn from him as the head of his erection forged inside her, drawing a hard, surprised cry from her lips.

It was pleasure and pain. A mix of sensations so violent, so lightning swift, that her nails dug into his shoulders as she fought to make sense of them.

“Hawke.” There was a hint of fear. She heard it in her voice, felt it edge at her mind. She had never experienced anything like this. She had never known that pleasure could be so intense, so white hot.

“Hold on to me, baby.” His lips lifted from hers after a sweet, gentle kiss. “Just hold on. It’s going to be okay.”

It would be okay.

She felt his lips move to her neck. There, he kissed, licked, rasped his teeth against the sensitive flesh and drove her insane with the sensations racing through her.

As he pleasured her there, his c**k began to work inside her. Back and forth, slow and easy, burying inside her until he came to the shield of virginity that she had never quite been able to rid herself of.

She heard the growl at her neck a second before he drew back, the tip of his c**k pausing at the tight entrance of her sex before he surged inside.

Jessica screamed. Pleasure and pain erupted inside her and he broke that last veil of innocence. Still, he wasn’t fully inside her. He stroked back, drove forward. The wide crest of his c**k caressed nerve endings so sensitive, so responsive, that she couldn’t help but arch her hips, driving him deeper even as a lance of fire streaked up her spine.

It was so good. Oh God, nothing had ever been as good as this. So hot. So much pleasure.

She was screaming out his name, trying to scream, the word was shattered, throttled as she fought to breathe, to accept the heavy, stiff flesh he was penetrating her with.

Writhing beneath him, she cried out, clenched her thighs on his hips and then threw her head back with a hard, silent cry as he finally thrust fully inside her.

“Sweet Jess.” His groan was a harsh growl. “My sweet Jess. My mate.” He was moving then. Hard, heavy thrusts tunneled inside her, parting her, stretching her until she burned, ached and yet begged for more. Nothing seemed enough. She wanted him harder, faster. She wanted his teeth raking her neck more, she wanted air to breathe and she wanted to die in his arms, just like this, immersed forever in pleasure.

The deep, driving strokes were making her insane. Her orgasm was so close she could feel it, ached to dive into it. Her legs tightened around his thrusting hips as he f**ked inside her with heavy shafting strokes.

Each desperate thrust pushed her higher, pushed her harder, until Jess swore she met the sun. She exploded with such an intensity of ecstasy that when his teeth pierced her shoulder and she felt him thrust inside her with one last hard, deep stroke, she screamed.