A Christmas Kiss(41)

“Or I will. I’d like to know why he shunted you off to Mexico and didn’t tell me. If he’s some powerful god, he could have at least called.”

Jamison chuckled. Coyote the mighty trickster god would meet his match in Naomi.

“Damn, the snow is picking up,” she said.

The black strip of road they’d reached was deserted, and snow fell thick and fast. They had miles to go before they met the northbound highway, and then they’d have to crest a summit before twisting back down to the plateau.

Naomi set her jaw, slowed the truck, and drove carefully and intently. Five miles later, wind slapped them halfway across the road, and the windshield was covered with white.

“Shit.” Naomi pumped her breaks. The truck obediently slowed, listing sharply to the right as the wheels went into the shoulder. They stopped, the truck rocking, and the whiteout blizzard struck full force.

Naomi sat still, hands locked around the wheel, eyes wide. Jamison unbuckled his seat belt, slid across the cab to her, and put his arms around her.

“We’ll be all right.” He turned her face to his, smoothing her cheek with his thumb. “There’s no other traffic, and when the storm lets up, they’ll send out the plows.”

“Julie . . . ”

“Is snug and safe with your friend in Flagstaff. We’ll just have to think of a way to keep ourselves warm.” He licked her ear.

She relaxed enough to smile. “I missed you, Jamison.”

“I missed you too, love.” Her hair smelled so good. It always had. He nibbled her earlobe, liking the little noise of pleasure she made.

Naomi turned her head and kissed him. He melted into her, feeling her hot mouth, her questing tongue.

He remembered falling asleep inside her last night, her warmth filling his empty spaces.

“You’re mine,” he murmured. His entire body flushed with heat. “Mine.” She kept kissing him, her lips so soft. He imagined her lips sliding around his heavy erection, and his body throbbed.

“I’m going to do another sculpture and sell it,” he said. “Then use the money to buy you the biggest diamond ring you ever saw.”

She stilled. “Diamond?”

“It’s the custom of your people for a man to give a diamond ring when he asks a woman to marry him, isn’t it?”

Naomi’s turquoise eyes went wide. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

“I plan to, when the time is right.”

“Jamison . . . ”

He kissed her again, finished with words. He let his fingers move to the button of her jeans, then her zipper. She jumped. “What are you doing?”

He grinned. “Celebrating that you’re going to let me ask you to marry me. Besides, who’s going to see us in a blizzard?” He kissed her again, then he tugged at her open jeans. “Pull these down.” Naomi gave him an amazed look, then she quickly slid the jeans and her panties down over her butt.

Jamison moved his hand between her legs, feeling her liquid heat.

“The seat is cold.” Her eyes widened, then she dissolved into laughter.

Jamison reached behind the seat, where she’d stowed a neatly folded blanket along with her emergency supplies. She was always so practical.

Naomi half rose, and he slid the blanket under her. “Better?”


“Good.” Jamison leaned down into her lap and moved his tongue into her slick heat.

Responsible Naomi never dreamed she’d let a man go down on her in the front cab of her truck on a major highway. Of course, snow was piling up on the windows, blotting out the world. She should worry about how much gas and battery life her truck had, but right now those concerns seemed irrelevant.