A Christmas Kiss(20)

His lips peeled back from his teeth, and he jolted back onto his heels. His c**k protested losing the delightful contact with her mouth, but he ignored it, grabbed her by the hips, and pulled her around until their bodies were aligned.

“Ridge!” She laughed, catching his wrists as he spread her legs wide.

He caught his c**k in hand, aimed for her rosy, glistening opening, and thrust his way home.

“Ridge!” Her beautiful eyes widened, but not in pain. “Oh, God!” Half-crazed from a need that was far more than a craving for release, he began to thrust in long, sawing drives of his cock, plunging in and out. She felt so incredibly slick and tight as she gripped him, the friction glorious. He wasn’t sure he could hold on, but he was damned well going to try.

Teeth gritted against the pleasure, Ridge bucked against her. And with every thrust, magic gathered around them in a hot dance of light.

Head spinning at the sheer feral sensation of his c**k plunging inside her, Kat clung to Ridge’s sweating shoulders. She felt a savage pressure building, coiling tighter and tighter inside her belly, until she had to writhe. Her legs coiled around his hips, tightening instinctively, dragging her hips harder against his, seeking that last bit of sweet friction.

Something flashed at the edges of her vision. Automatically, Kat’s eyes shifted to track the glow. The small golden orb promptly exploded like a silent skyrocket, spilling sparks over her skin. She gasped at the hot pinpricks of pleasure.

Ridge kept thrusting. He felt huge, a thick, tunneling possession that pulled and twisted at her inner flesh, filling her utterly. More fireballs appeared, popping like bubbles, spilling bright sparks over them both.

Kat yowled as his c**k drove deep and magic showered her skin.

He nuzzled her throat. She automatically tilted her chin, knowing what he wanted. Giving him access.

Ridge bit deep, his fangs sinking into her flesh even as he drove to his full length in her sex. He stiffened, coming as he drank.

And the world detonated.

The magic burst from Ridge, a searing explosion that triggered an answering burst in Kat. Fire blazed up from deep inside her every cell, a silent whirling detonation. Clinging helplessly to his broad shoulders, she watched the room disappear into dazzle, as if a small sun had suddenly exploded right in the center of her chest. Heat seared her, as intense and furious as the pleasure of her orgasm.

Magic shot between them like a fountain, spearing through Ridge’s chest and out her back, then arching around to pierce Kat again. Growing brighter with every circuit until it formed a blazing loop of energy.

Suddenly she could feel what he felt—every pulse of his cock, the tight creamy grip of her own sex, the rake of her nails down his back. Something seemed to click between them, locking down, linking them mind to mind, heart to heart.

Kat screamed, a long, singing note of pleasure and pain as the magic built and built and built. She barely heard Ridge’s answering howl.

The birth of Kat’s power thundered in Ridge’s ears like the roar of tornado-force winds. He could only wrap both arms around her and hold on for dear life. Her blood filled his mouth as her sex milked his cock, and he writhed.

Never in his life had he felt anything like this.

Then it all just . . . stopped. The eye-searing energy disappeared, leaving him clinging blindly to her lithe, sweat-slick body. Kat fell limp under him, her strong legs releasing their desperate hold, her fingers relaxing their grip on his shoulders. His skin stung, and he suspected she’d dug her nails deep.

“My God.” She gasped. They were both panting. “What the hell was that?” Ridge gently disengaged his fangs from her throat and licked the blood away. “That,” he said, his voice hoarse, “was magic. You’re a Maja now, Kat Danilo.”


Kat lay dazzled and panting. With a last, sated groan, Ridge collapsed beside her. She could feel his pleasure echoing in her own body like a deep thrum in her cells. Incredible. She wasn’t sure if it was his thought or her own. Never felt anything like that.

Magic swirled around her like dust motes in a shaft of sunlight, a dancing glitter. Half-hypnotized by the swirling patterns, she watched the tiny flashes dance around her head. Every time she inhaled, she breathed them in.

Experimentally, Kat puffed out a breath. Magic rolled from her mouth in a glowing plume, reminding her of chilly childhood mornings when she’d watch her breath mist.

“You look stoned.” Ridge rolled onto one elbow, watching her with an indulgent expression.

“I feel stoned. Sort of . . . floating.” Kat frowned suddenly. “Is it real? The magic, I mean?”

“Oh, yeah. I don’t see it often, but sometimes when it’s particularly dense, vampires can perceive it.

And I’m told Majae see it all the time. After a while, you quit noticing it as much.” He looked different, she realized. Vivid, sharply solid. More real somehow. When she looked away, she could feel his presence like a low hum.

As if he was a concentration of pure magic.

A weaker hum came from a closed door across the room. “There’s something magic in the closet.”