Long, Tall Texans_ Boone (Long, Tall Texans #35) - Diana Palmer Page 0,73

about the welfare of other people. If he had been, he’d never have sent Bobby that totally pure cocaine, knowing it would kill him.”

Keely sighed. “I had hoped that—” She broke off, flushed. “Well, it would have been nice if he’d cared a little about me. But if he had, he’d have dived into that mountain-lion pit without thinking about the consequences when that little boy’s life was at stake.”

“Which you did,” Boone replied.

She nodded. “I didn’t think at all. I just reacted. Dad got sued by the parents because of it, but they called me to the stand and described the wounds I sustained trying to save the little boy. The family was shamefaced and asked their lawyer to withdraw the case. The little boy wasn’t even frightened, and he didn’t have a mark on him. But the judge wasn’t so forgiving. He said that Dad should have had better fencing in place, and he named a figure for Dad to pay the family. But by then, Dad spent all his money on his pretty gold digger and had to borrow on the game park to pay off the little boy’s family, and to take care of his legal fees. He lost everything. I guess he thinks I owe him for that.”

“It seems to me that he owes you,” Boone said coldly.

“Same here,” Hayes agreed. He got to his feet. “I’d better get some backup over here. I’ll talk to the security guard, too.” He glanced at Boone. “You staying?”

“You bet I am,” Boone replied doggedly. “I’m not leaving her in here alone in case her father gets past you.”

Hayes smiled. “I don’t think he will, but better safe than sorry. Want a gun?”

Boone chuckled. “I never needed one. I still don’t.”

“Okay. Sing out if you need help. Thanks, Keely,” he told her.

She nodded.

Hayes left and she stared curiously at Boone. “Why don’t you need a gun?” she asked him.

“I had the highest score in my unit in hand-to-hand combat,” he said simply. “I could even disarm my men when they came at me with weapons.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Wow.”

He shrugged. “It’s a skill. We all have them.” He smiled at her. “Yours is handling animals. I never told you that Bailey bites, did I?”

“He’s never bitten me,” she said, confused.

“You’re the only person who knows him who can say that,” he told her with a twinkle in his eyes. “Like I said. You have skills.”

She smiled back.

He got to his feet and moved to the door, opened it and looked both ways. He came back into the room. He’d just turned toward the closet when the door opened suddenly and Brent Welsh came into the room.

“Quick, Keely, give me the money!” he told Keely abruptly. “Hayes Carson was downstairs—he got Jock the minute we walked in the door! Somebody tipped them off!”

“Then you should be safe,” Keely told him. “If Sheriff Carson has Jock.”

“I’ll never have enough money to be safe,” he said. “But at least I can get away from the Fuentes bunch. Where’s the—”

In a movement so fluid that Keely almost missed it, Boone caught Welsh’s arm, swung him around and pinned him to the wall. He held him there with one big hand while he flipped open his cell phone and pushed a button.

“Let me go!” Brent pleaded with his captor. “I can’t go to jail here, they’ll kill me!”

“What a tragedy that would be,” Boone drawled.

The door burst open and Hayes walked in, closing his cell phone. He put away the .40 caliber Glock he’d been holding even with his right temple, and grinned at Boone. “You don’t forget that military training, do you?” He chuckled.

Boone grinned. “I get in some practice on stubborn bulls at roundup. Here.” He propelled Welsh around so that Hayes could handcuff him.

“Keely, tell them to let me go!” Brent called to his daughter. “I’m innocent. It was Jock! He did it!”

Keely felt sick. She’d almost believed her father’s false apology. “I can’t help you,” she said sadly. “Nobody can, now.”

Brent’s face darkened and he began to curse. Hayes grimaced as he pushed the man out of the room ahead of him and turned him over to a deputy.

“Sorry about that,” he told Keely. “We had him, but he slipped away. We’ve got him now, thanks to you,” he told Boone, “and his partner, as well. I’ll talk to you later. Don’t worry, Keely,” he added. “These two are wanted for murder in Arizona. I imagine there’ll be an extradition

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