Long, Tall Texans_ Boone (Long, Tall Texans #35) - Diana Palmer Page 0,53

his tall form to speak to her. The woman gaped at Clark and Keely and winced.

“She just got the bad news.” Clark chuckled under his breath.

Keely laughed, too, but as she turned her head, her eyes collided with Boone Sinclair’s. She shivered at the unexpected encounter. She averted her eyes at once and turned back to Clark, clinging to his hand. Her heart was racing again. Boone had accused her of chasing him shamelessly. She didn’t want to have to speak to him at all.

Boone was with Misty. He tugged her over to where Keely and Clark were standing.

“Before you start,” Clark told his brother belligerently, “I’ve got Jarrett from the Jacobsville Police Department acting as our bodyguard on the road, and Detective Rick Marquez has the seat on the other side of us at the ballet.” He gave his brother a cold look. He was still smoldering about that private detective’s report on Nellie. “I’ve covered all our bases.”

Boone’s dark eyes narrowed irritably. He looked at Keely until she was forced to meet that riveting stare, but she immediately turned her attention away from him. She couldn’t forget what he’d said about her to his girlfriend.

“I still don’t think it’s a good idea,” Boone said shortly.

“Boone, why don’t we just enjoy our evening and let your brother and his…friend…enjoy theirs?” Misty asked haughtily. “He’s over the age of consent, you know.”

Boone gave Misty a look. He turned back to Clark. “Don’t put her at risk,” he said solemnly.

“I would never do that,” Clark replied shortly. “And you know it.”

Boone gave Keely a long look that she ignored. He was scowling when he escorted Misty to their seats.

“You invited Marquez?” Keely asked, for something to say.

“Yes. He loves the ballet, and he’s our lookout inside, just in case your father and his friend decide to mount an attack in the audience,” he added with pure sarcasm.

Keely laughed. “I don’t think that’s likely to happen.”

“Neither do I. Boone’s getting strange lately. He was giving Hayes Carson hell on his cell phone last night, God knows for what. Hayes is his best friend, but they’re falling out.”

“Are they?” she asked absently, still reeling from Boone’s intense interest and not really hearing what Clark said. “Shouldn’t we go in?”

“We probably…”

“Oh, there you are.” Jason Pendleton’s fiancée rushed up. “I’m so sorry we rushed away, but we had to speak to that friend of Jason’s!”

Clark glanced at Keely and had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing.

Jason was giving his fiancée an odd sort of look, as if he hadn’t noticed this social climbing penchant of hers. He wasn’t conventionally handsome, but Keely could see why he drew women; and it wasn’t because of his money.

She gave the couple a shy smile as Clark led her into the auditorium.

Detective Marquez grinned at them as they sat down.

“You’re alone?” Clark asked, surprised.

“I can’t get girls.” Marquez shrugged. “Once they see the gun—” he indicated his shoulder holster “—and they realize that I carry it all the time, they usually leave skid marks getting out of my life. But it’s okay,” he said pleasantly. “I always wanted to spend my whole life alone with no kids or grandkids.”

Clark and Keely burst out laughing.

He just grinned.

* * *

ALL THROUGH THE ballet, which was beautiful and riveting, Keely was aware of Boone’s dark eyes watching her. She hated the feelings she couldn’t help, because she knew what he really thought of her. It was humiliating that she couldn’t wish them away.

When the performance was over, Boone stopped Clark, Keely and the bodyguard at the front door.

“We’re stopping by Chaco’s Bar and Grill for a nightcap. Why don’t you join us? Your bodyguard is welcome to come in, too.”

“I don’t drink on the job,” Jarrett said unapologetically. “But thanks.”

“We should probably start toward home,” Clark began, knowing Keely’s reluctance to be around Boone.

“Just a nightcap,” Boone said, and he had that expression that meant he was going to get his own way come hell or high water.

“Well, all right,” Clark gave in, as he always did. He grimaced, because he’d had a glimpse of Keely’s face when he agreed.

“We won’t stay long,” Boone promised.

He and Misty started toward his sports car. It was parked next to Clark’s. Misty was complaining loudly about the intrusion on their privacy. Keely felt like doing the same. She didn’t want a nightcap, especially with Boone.

But they ended up at the bar anyway. Keely ordered a soft drink. Misty glared at her while

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