The Lone Rancher - By Carol Finch Page 0,16

in outrage. “Good day, Cahill, and good riddance!”

Quin swooped down to pluck up the Stetson she had knocked off his head while she practically climbed all over him to get closer so she could kiss him senseless. Moreover, she was not pinning that hot, breathless embrace on him. He hadn’t started it…had he? It was all her fault.

On that righteous thought, he crammed the hat on his head and veered around the corner of the barn to see the cowboys watching him warily. He sent them a clipped nod, then glared at Rocky Rhodes, the turncoat. Scowling, Quin headed to the hitching post in front of the house to fetch his horse.

Halfway there, an inspiring thought assailed him. He smiled mischievously as he untethered his horse and led the animal around to the back door of Boston’s freshly painted house.

Chapter Three

After her encounter with Cahill, Adrianna inhaled several restorative breaths to regain her composure. Then she tamped down the unwelcome and unexpected sensations still undulating through her body. Good heavens, if she didn’t know better, she’d swear her physical attraction to that infuriating cowboy overshadowed her fierce dislike of his character and personality.

Why she had allowed Cahill to kiss her blind and stupid defied reasonable explanation. And despite what he’d said, he had started it…hadn’t he?

She did not go around kissing men on a reckless whim. Not ever. She didn’t trust the male gender. They were a devious, manipulative lot. Well, except for Rosa’s beloved Lucas, she amended. The two of them had stopped by the previous afternoon to see what changes she had made in the house. It was sweet, really, the way the newlywed lovebirds held hands and whispered to each other.

Adrianna was happy for her cousin, but she felt a bit left out, too. Her expectations of moving to Texas and re-creating the days of her youth when she and Rosa had been inseparable hadn’t panned out. There had been a time when Rosa was as cautious of the agenda of men as Adrianna was. But Rosa’s obvious love for Lucas changed her perspective.

Adrianna discarded her wandering thoughts and strode off. She wanted to check her remuda of horses to ensure the long train ride hadn’t distressed them. And tomorrow, she would ride into town for the second fitting for her new gown and pick up two more pairs of breeches that Mel was working on. Adrianna planned to take Elda and Bea with her to arrange the grand party. Celebrating Rosa and Lucas’s marriage was going to be a gala affair.

According to Rosa, hosting parties on Town Square worked perfectly. But in case of a spring storm, Adrianna supposed she would have to reschedule….

Her thoughts trailed off when one of her employees, Chester Purvis, nearly plowed into her as she rounded the corner of the horse barn. The stocky, shaggy-haired cowhand who was a few years older and had pale brown eyes reached out to steady her before she collapsed on the ground.

“Sorry about that. You okay, Miz McKnight?”

She flashed a nonchalant smile. “I’m fine.”

“I was afraid Cahill planned to rough you up a bit after you hired away Rocky Rhodes.” Ches leaned closer than Adrianna preferred so she shifted away. “Cahill is a man to be reckoned with, ya know. His brothers and sister shoved off the first chance they got. Plus, that Cahill Curse makes him mean-spirited.”

She frowned, bemused. “What curse?”

“Well, some folks in these parts claim the Cahills bribed the railroad agents to get the town placed on their property so they could sell lots and rent buildings to shopkeepers. Then, of course, there was the wagon accident that killed Ruby and Earl Cahill. Not to mention how rustling and fence cutting increased as a result of the curse.”

Adrianna frowned pensively. She would have to remember to question Cousin Rosa about the supposed Cahill Curse. Maybe that’s what made that brawny, gray-eyed cowboy irascible and hard-nosed. Not that Adrianna intended to excuse his behavior. Still, she was curious about the loss of his parents and the rift that sent his brothers and sister away from the ranch.

“Thank you for the information, Ches,” she said before she strode off.

Ches was a step behind her. “Cahill didn’t threaten you or anything, did he, Miz McKnight?”

She stopped short, causing Ches to bump into her. She backed up a step and tried not to wrinkle her nose when she got a whiff of the cowboy, who was overdue for a bath. She made a mental note to Copyright 2016 - 2024