Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,7

made the promise to them and to himself. Felicity would surely be ready to be reasonable by then, and if she wasn’t… well, she would just have to put up with his presence.

“Night, Daddy.”

“G’night, Daddy.”

Emotion rose in his chest, making him blink back tears. Fuck, he loved them so much. Turning around, he saw Felicity at the bottom of the stairs, and for just a moment, he wished he could make things right. She looked as exhausted as he felt—bags under her eyes, her hair pulled back in a haphazard bun—but then she met his eyes, and he could see she was still pissed as hell.

Fuck it.

Bounding down the stairs, he pulled her into his arms, knowing she wouldn’t make a fuss with the audience standing at the top, and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

“I love you, Felicity. We can talk when you’re ready.” Ready to listen to him, he meant. He could explain if she’d just let him, but he had to wait until she calmed down.

He could spend the night at his sister’s house. She and her wife liked to dote on him, and he hadn’t seen them in a while. Maybe they could also explain why, if Felicity was so upset about him wanting her to take kiddo duty for the night, her solution involved her doing it in the end, anyway.

Chapter Two


Somehow, she got the kids bathed, teeth brushed, stories read, and into bed before she totally broke down. It was distracting, almost soothing, to lose herself in their nightly routine. The kids had clearly realized something was wrong and were more cooperative than usual—the little sweethearts. It could have so easily gone the other way.

“Is Daddy home yet?” Oliver asked as he crawled into bed, even though they would have all been able to hear the front door open if Logan had returned. Felicity bent over to kiss him on the forehead. He was likely looking for reassurance Logan would be back at all, which she could certainly give him. No matter how angry she and Logan got at each other, there was no way they would take it out on the kids. She believed that with her whole heart, especially after the way he’d left. He’d declared his love almost haughtily, like a challenge, but he’d still said it.

“No, he won’t be back until you and Althea are asleep,” she replied gently, hoping it would help the kids to fall asleep faster. Hey, why not? It worked at Christmas when they were told they had to fall asleep before Santa would come. Both of them had gone to bed early last Christmas Eve. “You’ll see him in the morning.”

“Okay. Love you, Mommy.”

“Love you too, munchkin.” She gave him another kiss and a hug, then he settled down, looking sleepy. Althea was already almost asleep, but she smiled when Felicity kissed her forehead before going to the door. The light from the hallway made the kids look like two little lumps in their beds. Little lumps, getting bigger every day and understanding so much more.

What kind of example were she and Logan setting for them?

Closing the door, Felicity sniffled almost and hurried down to the hall, so she could get to the tissues. The tears flowed faster and faster. Forget the tissues. She ran into her and Logan’s room, fell face down on the bed, and screamed into the pillow.

She didn’t know whether she was more angry, sad, or just plain exhausted. The only thing she knew for sure was she and Logan needed to have a serious talk. Maybe they should go into marriage counseling. Something needed to change.

She felt as though she’d been hollowed out until she was just a shell of herself. She didn’t know how to fix it but knew she couldn’t continue on like this.


“So, what did you do?”

So much for his doting big sister. He scowled at her as he walked into the house, pausing only for a quick hug.

“What makes you think I did anything? She’s the one who kicked me out of the house.”

“Which means you did something truly awful,” Marie yelled from the kitchen. She came into the hall, holding a mug of tea and grinning widely. “We’ve made bets on what you did to get kicked out. Your wife has the patience of a saint, and we don’t peg you for a cheater, so we’re dying to know.”

Logan sighed and gave his sister-in-law a hug hello.

“I’m actually hoping you two can help me

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