Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,3

go check out the local scene. It's been months since we've been to a munch, much less a club.” He looked around at his friends. “It doesn't matter that we aren't as young as we used to be or as in shape as we used to be, we're still as in love as we used to be. We can still be the Doms we used to be. We just need to tap into that part of ourselves again.”

“Hear, hear,” Faris said, raising his beer in salute. “To the Dad Bod Doms.”

They all stared at him, then burst into laughter, even Henry.

Logan laughed so hard, tears actually sparked in the back of his eyes. Pushing the smile away, Logan assumed a solemn expression and raised his beer as well.

“To the Dad Bod Doms.”

Still grinning, Ray and Henry lifted theirs, and they all leaned forward to clink the necks of their bottles together.

“This time next year, we're going to be here, telling each other how we fixed our marriages and celebrating our success,” Logan said, more serious now. “Agreed?”


Chapter One


“Mommy, Alt-ea is looking at me weird.”

“Am not!”

“Maybe you could just both look out the window,” Felicity suggested, trying to keep her voice cheery. They were only five minutes from home, and if they could get there without any kind of argument or meltdown, she would count it as her biggest win of the day.

Oliver and Althea were five and three, which meant even the ten-minute car ride between daycare and home was fraught with possible altercations. She so badly just wanted a quiet ride… It had been a rough day at work. Why people who had been at the firm for less time than she had thought they knew how to do her job better, she had no idea. They weren’t mean or condescending, but there were a few of them who felt the need to tell her exactly what to do when they dropped off work on her desk, even though her job was the exact same thing for every document.

The changes needed to be made were always written on the hard copy. Having someone point out which pages the changes were on was just tedious and unnecessary, especially when she was trying to concentrate on the file she was currently working on. Didn’t stop Jeremy or Malik from doing it every single time, though. She tried to nod and keep working rather than paying attention to them, hoping they’d get the hint, but without fail, they just kept talking. Sometimes, she wondered if they even noticed she wasn’t paying attention to them, or they just talked to hear themselves.


“Look out the window,” she said sternly, then quickly rephrased when she realized her mistake. “The window next to you. Tell me how many trees we pass before we get home.”

Oliver groaned at the assignment, but Althea immediately perked up, eager to show off her counting skills, which, of course, spurred Oliver to participate rather than having his little sister outshine him.

“One… two… three…”

“One… two…”

“Four… five…”

“Three… four…”

Inwardly, Felicity sighed. It wasn’t quiet, but at least she wasn’t listening to them argue or bother each other either. She loved her children—loved them so, so much—but she could really use a break from them.

Logan had gone away for a long weekend with his friends last week, and Felicity was hoping she might be able to arrange something with her friends sometime soon. She’d meant to talk to him about it before he went camping, but time just crept up on her, then sped by, and she still hadn’t gotten around to talk to him about it, much less her friends. Somehow, everything seemed harder and harder to keep track of these days, and the days all blurred together until a month had passed in the blink of an eye.

Miracle of miracles, she got the kids home, out of the car, and into the house without any drama. They really were good kids, she mused, as they hurried to wash their hands, so they could help her with dinner. Granted, wanting to help didn’t always actually equate with being very helpful, but Oliver could wash the lettuce and veggies, and Althea loved pressing the button on the salad spinner. Felicity had to oversee them, then keep an eye on them while she did all the actual cutting, but at least they wanted to help.

It was still a relief when she heard the front door open and Logan walk in.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” Both kids threw up

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