Living London - By Kristin Vayden Page 0,32

you." His eyes darkened as he pressed me in closer.

I wanted to slap him. How was it possible that I was being sexually assaulted in the middle of a crowded room? My skin crawled — I couldn't disguise my horror at what was taking place. I sent a heavenward prayer for the dance to end, or for Lord Haymore to drop dead. Preferably the latter.

Once the dance was finished and he'd escorted me back to the edge of the ballroom, I excused myself as quickly as possible. No way I was giving him any opportunity to "relax" me in the garden. Saying I needed to speak with a friend, I disappeared. The thick, humid air in the room suffocated my senses, and I needed to escape. There were so many people and so many different types of cologne, perfumes, and sweaty bodies that I wanted to just get a breath of fresh air… no matter how small it had to be. Just as long as Lord Haymore didn't follow me.

After regarding the exits, I followed a hallway I assumed led to a powder room of some sort. Once free of the crush of people, I closed my eyes and paused to lean against the wall. "What I wouldn't give for a good rain shower right now." I spoke to myself, feeling the sweat trickle down my back. My skin continued to crawl from the dirty old man's touch. Ahh, the good ol' days of running through the sprinklers in summer. And antibacterial soap. And mace. What I wouldn't give for a can of mace.

"We'll, it is England you know," came a teasing reply. My eyes flew open to see a very amused Lord Ashby leaning against the opposite wall.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a little too bluntly. My heart was still pounding — for a moment I had thought Lord Haymore had found me.

"Don't worry, I won't compromise you. No one will know I met you here. Although the thought is tempting." His eyes were full of wicked intent, but not the kind I feared. The kind I anticipated.

"Oh! It's not that, I just…" Telling him I'd thought he was Haymore would surely insult him, so I thought I'd simplify. "You startled me." Confusion dawned as I absorbed his words. "Wait, how would this be compromising? We simply met in a hallway."

The question sounded naive, but I couldn't stop the words from tumbling out. Of course this was a compromising position! All my books centered on debutantes finding themselves compromised by the rake in a darkened hallway. All it took was one person to spread the word, and we'd be as good as married. But the thought wasn't frightening at all. I could easily wake up next to Lord Ashby.

"Well, yes, we're not chaperoned," he explained.

A quick observation told me just how secluded we were. "I just didn't want you to think that I'd force your hand or take advantage of the situation."

"Force my hand in what? In marriage?" I asked, cursing my stupidity as the words slipped from my mouth.


"But, why?" Again, my mouth needed a filter.

His eyes widened before settling on an entertained expression. "Because, well, you're known for your fortune." The wicked intent had left his eyes, washed out by the reminder. His ears were a touch pink, and he looked so playfully attractive with the shy look. Humility in a guy was overwhelming in it’s allure.

"And?" I waited for him to continue.

"You're a Westin, and therefore… How to put this delicately?" he mused to himself. "Well, exceedingly wealthy, if I may be so bold to say, and someone in my position could take advantage of our rendezvous."

So now our compromising situation was a rendezvous. I liked the sound of that better, but I saw where he was going, so thought I'd help him out. "You could take advantage of my position because I'm wealthy, and you're…well, not," I offered.

"When you put it so delicately it sounds not nearly as humbling. Thank you." He spoke sarcastically as he ran his hand through his already tousled hair, clearly exasperated with the whole conversation.

I couldn't help but smile a bit at his frustration. Poor guy. But I had to admit the whole conversation was more than a little diverting. In fact, it was the best I'd had all night. Here I had men more than willing to drag me into a compromising situation in order to gain access to my name and money, yet the one man Copyright 2016 - 2024