Living London - By Kristin Vayden Page 0,16

reached my majority. I didn't see what the big deal was, but I tried to keep in mind that this was a whole different ball game than anything I was used to. I was Elizabeth Bennet, facing the Caroline Binglys of the ton. I was simply aiming to survive and have a little fun in the process.

"Miss, wait a moment. I haven't finished with your final touches."

"I thought you said I was ready?" I questioned, trying to remain polite though my patience had been spent over an hour ago. But Libby had worked tirelessly over my skin, dress, and hair that whole time without one complaint, so the least I could do was be civil.

"You are, minus the final touches. I'll be right back."

She left the room, and I studied myself in the mirror. My green eyes were accented by the cream color of my dress. With its emerald sash and embellishments, the velvet belt accented the empire waist. The long ends hung clear to the floor. A soft golden silk layer peeked beneath the hem of the cream layer and shimmered in the candlelight.

My honey-blonde hair was piled up onto my head in large, pinned curls. The front was braided then swept back with large crystal pin. Even without any makeup, I was beautiful. If I were given one cosmetic on a deserted island, I would have chosen mascara, but seeing myself with the polished skin and complimentary colors of my gown, I began to wonder why I even wore it in the first place. There was something to be said about natural beauty.

As I paused to take a fortifying breath, I choked because my constricting corset inhibited any amount of airflow larger than a small gasp. Good thing I wasn't claustrophobic. I'd be in a fetal position on the floor.

"Here we are, miss!" Libby exclaimed, causing me to jump a little. She held a delicate, diamond-encrusted tiara that was so thin and small, it looked like a headband. She placed it into my hair and secured it with another twenty pins. Then, moving behind me, she placed a pearl teardrop necklace around my neck. It looked exactly like Nanna's. The one back home, in my time.

"Where did I get this necklace?" I asked, breathlessly.

"It's one of the original family heirlooms. It's not as brilliant as some of the others, but you fancy it. It's been in your family for generations."

And Nanna left it to me. Twice. "Thank you." I felt my eyes tear up, and I forced myself to calm down, not wanting to undo all the primping work we had just finished.

"Here are your slippers, miss." The slippers were made of a golden silk. They didn't do anything to protect my feet, only adorned them, but they were beautiful. "All set. I'll tell Wains to get your carriage ready."

I turned to catch Libby's hand. She gasped at the contact. "Thank you, Libby. You did a wonderful job, and I feel beautiful."

"Of course, miss, a pleasure." She blushed to the roots of her hair, and I wondered if she had ever been thanked before. Taking one last look at myself, I prepared to meet my peers, praying I didn't make a fool of myself twice in one day.

Twilight covered the cobblestone streets in amber light as I made my way to the Steward's residence. London was beautiful, but I'd expected it to smell better, much better. The stench was almost enough to distract from the beauty — almost, but not quite. Taking a deep breath was risky with the executioner's corset and bad air, but my nerves craved any sort of comfort.

Buildings passed in slow motion as we neared our destination. The line to the front entrance was long, and I wondered just how "small" this ball was going to be. The horses all waited patiently as their owners waited for their turns. It reminded me of rush hour traffic, only much politer.

After a twenty-minute wait that didn't help my nerves, I arrived. Taking my driver's hand, I carefully stepped out of the carriage and onto the street, gasping at the amount of people just at the entrance. No, this was not a small gathering. If it was, half of London would be invited to a large one.

Just breathe. My thoughts gave me a smile as I remembered the scene from Ever After. Right now I felt like that kind of Cinderella.

"Your coat, miss?" a footman asked, offering to help me remove my outer jacket. After thanking him, Copyright 2016 - 2024