Lilac - B.B. Reid Page 0,211

turning to Griffin.

While they talked, I found Loren and Rich in the kitchen standing on opposite sides of the island.

Loren was stuffing his face while Jericho peered into a brown box with Amazon tape. Dani, who must have checked the locker we used for our mail, had brought it with her when she showed up for the party.

“What the hell is this, Lo?”

Rich pulled out duct tape and rope, holding one in each hand as he stared at Loren.

“Oh, hey, it came!” With a mouth full of cupcake, Loren smiled wide as his opaque eyes glittered.

“What do you need two-hundred feet of tape and rope for?” I asked him after peering into the box and seeing more.

Loren was nonchalant now as he brushed his hands free of crumbs, leaving them on the counter instead. “Hopefully, you won’t find out.” While Rich and I gaped at him, Loren swiftly changed topics. “So, are you planning to tell Braxton about that shit you tried to pull?” he asked Jericho.

“I was thinking I’d let her enjoy her party and being home first,” Rich sniped sarcastically. He threw the tape and rope back into the box and pushed it toward me.

I knew all the best hiding spots.

“Right…the party. You just don’t want her knowing you’re as stupid as you look.”

“I’m dumb,” Rich returned with a sneer, “but you were sucking my dick two hours ago. Make it make sense, Lo.”

Loren shrugged as he licked icing off his thumb while staring at our best friend. “I was excited and feeling generous because Braxton was coming home. Sue me.”

Rich glowered at him while Loren flirted with his eyes.

Braxton ambled in a moment later, and our attention was stolen. The moment she was close enough, I lifted her and set her on the counter.

“How are you feeling?” I felt like a sap as I skimmed her cheek with my lips. I didn’t care. She made me not care.

“Sore,” she admitted on a mumble. “Weak. Mostly confused.”

I lifted my head. “Confused?”

“I can’t…I can’t tell what I’m feeling.” She looked at Loren, Rich, and then back at me. “Or if I’m feeling anything at all.”

My hands found her thighs, and I began to caress her through her jeans, hoping to soothe when she started to shake. “What do you mean?”

“I can’t tell when I’m scared or when I’m happy or excited. There are no smells or tastes to tell me. I’ve never learned how to identify my emotions without them. What if I’ve lost the ability to feel anything at all? I’m afraid—”

“Right there,” I told her, cutting her off. “You’re afraid. How do you know?”

“I…” She shook her head with a frustrated frown. “I don’t know.”

“Your emotions were never just a neurological response. It’s also been about instinct. What’s in your gut and what’s in your heart. You don’t have to think.” I lifted her chin when she lowered her gaze. There was nothing for her down there. “You just have to feel. Your brain gave you an extra advantage that you’ve relied on until now, but you’ve always been a quick learner, Braxton. You’ll figure this one out too.” I kissed her. “We’ll help you,” I told her as Loren and Rich closed in.

They stole her attention, and she took her time kissing each of them before leaning back on her hands and smiling at us.

“Good, because I have something to tell you.”

“What?” the three of us asked a little too eagerly.

She shook her head, and damn that teasing smile. It already did unspeakable things to me without the added suspense. “Later.”

“You know, I’ve been thinking,” Loren said.

Braxton, Rich, and I groaned before he had the chance to say more.

Loren thinking was never a good thing since it usually involved him igniting the flame and setting the world on fire.

“What’s up?” Rich reluctantly asked him.

“First of all, fuck you.” He paused long enough to wink at Braxton. “I’ve been thinking about that fight with your mom,” he said to her. “And baby sis.”

In an instant, Braxton’s brown eyes were sad, and she didn’t bother to hide the emotion or push it aside. She let us see. “What about them?”

“You said it was too late for Rosalie. Why does it have to be?”

“Because she’s Faithful’s now,” Braxton answered, her tone leaving no room for argument. She knew that town and its people better than we did.

Loren, however, was just as stubborn. “You joined Bound to send a message.” His eyes flickered to me for some reason before returning Copyright 2016 - 2024