Lilac - B.B. Reid Page 0,130

my gaze, she began to undo it slowly. “You.”

I didn’t object when she pulled my hard dick out or when she dropped to her haunches to wrap her lips around it. Forgetting where we were, I gasped against my will at the feel of her warm tongue stroking me.

Rich had warned me that her mouth was like no other, but I hadn’t been prepared for the crippling truth of it. I held her hair in my fist that had been loosely curled for tonight as she slowly bobbed her head while gripping the back of my thighs for balance. The sight of her red lips stretched around me had my hips moving, and my toes curling in my sneakers as she stared up at me through those innocent brown eyes.

Wanting to enjoy this as long as I possibly could, I started to count the freckles under her eyes and around her nose, but each time, I lost count by the time I got to three. Picking up the pace, drool began to wet her chin as she grew more enthusiastic. The ardent sounds she couldn’t seem to control as she worked for my cum made me realize that we’d be caught if she didn’t get it soon.

Luckily, I was right there on the edge.

“I’m going to come in your mouth, and you’re going to swallow every drop. Understand?”

Braxton barely finished nodding before I was pressing forward with a groan and spilling down her throat. I had to quickly grab the wall behind her for support before my legs could buckle from under me. Once I was sure not a single drop was wasted, I pulled free of her mouth and helped her to her feet.

After fixing my jeans, I walked her back to her now empty dressing room. Her little glam team, as they liked to call themselves, had packed up and gone, so I waited on the leather sofa while Braxton brushed her teeth and cleaned her face.

Loren and Rich found us by the time she was done and quickly closed the door behind them before locking it for some privacy. We only had about ten minutes before we were due on stage, so I knew they weren’t planning to act on that itch I could see in their eyes.

Braxton must have known it too because she sat between them on the couch instead of keeping her distance like she’d been doing all day. It had been harder than I thought keeping Oni distracted, but at least now, she’d found somewhere else to be. I didn’t know where that was, and I didn’t care as long as she stayed out of our way.

“Having seconds thoughts?” Loren asked her when he couldn’t take the suspense any longer. It was the question on all of our minds, and I didn’t know what I’d do if she said yes. She told me to keep chasing, but what if she woke up one day and realized she didn’t want to be caught? At least not by three jaded and broken men.

“Not really,” she answered hesitantly. “Just…questions.”

“We’re as new to this as you, but we’ll do our best to ease your mind,” Rich promised. “Just tell us where to start. That’s all we want.”

“How does this work…me with all of you?” She looked from Rich, then to me, and finally, Loren, who answered.

“To start, it helps that you’re ambidextrous.”

I turned my head just in case so Braxton wouldn’t see me laugh. I wasn’t all that certain she’d appreciate it when she was trying to be serious.

“Thanks,” she said dryly. “That really helps. I’m so glad we had this discussion.”

Loren slumped in his seat before looking at her and taking her hand in his. I watched his thumb caress the back of her hand as he silently wooed his way back into her good graces. “It works however we want it to work. Tell us what you’re comfortable with, and we’ll go from there.”

“No other women,” she blurted immediately.

I don’t know if it had been heavy on her mind all this time or if it was just the first thing that popped into her head, but her quick response had caught us all off guard. Mostly because we’d never even considered other women since deciding to make her ours. Until now, it had only been an unspoken agreement, so I could understand why Braxton insisted on having it spelled out.

“I know it’s selfish of me and unfair,” she said in a low tone before wincing Copyright 2016 - 2024