Lilac - B.B. Reid Page 0,128

Braxton good morning.

“Sridhar,” he finally acknowledged before moving over to the couch.

“Morrow,” she returned as the wheels in her mind turned.

I didn’t want to care what Oni was thinking, but I would if it in any way altered the decision Braxton had made last night. I knew not everyone would accept or understand the unconventional aspect of our relationship, but my ability to care only extended as far as how it would affect Braxton. The rest of the world could eat itself.

Sitting down, Houston grabbed the pad and pen he used to jot down lyrics from the ottoman we used as a table. He’d been writing last night while Braxton was in the shower and didn’t get to finish before we decided to corner her.

Thank God it worked. Braxton saying yes was the only reason I was in the mood to deal with Oni’s shit right now.

“So will you be joining us for the rest of the tour?” Braxton inquired with a deep frown on her face. I don’t think she was opposed to the possibility like I was—just confused.

I prayed Oni said no.

“Thankfully, no,” she said, answering my prayers. “I’m only here to see the show tonight, and then I’m on a red-eye back to Los Angeles.”

The troubled look didn’t leave Braxton’s eyes, and I cursed Calvin and Oni both for putting this shit on her shoulders when she was already dealing with enough. Mainly us. “Why would Carl choose me to replace Calvin if he didn’t think I could handle it?”

“He didn’t choose you,” Oni reminded her. “I did.”

For some reason, she gave me a pointed look at that last part. Was I supposed to be thanking her or something?

Yeah, without Oni, we would never have found Braxton, but it’s not like she knew what would happen. She didn’t know we’d fall for our rebel, and I doubt she’d have chosen Braxton if she had known. Oni had a lot of reasons to feel guilty, but she never showed it. Not even once. Why would she care to right her wrongs now?

I glanced over my shoulder at Houston, who was pretending he wasn’t listening to every word as he continued to scribble new lyrics. He’d tweak it again later once he was ready to establish a melody. I wondered if he’d let Braxton help since I knew he had her to thank for the inspiration. Yes, I’d sneaked a peek at some of the lyrics.

Braxton nodded, acknowledging Oni’s claim, but didn’t say more about it. She probably sensed, like I had, that it wasn’t actually meant for her. “Would you like some coffee?” she offered Sridhar.

Immediately, I tightened my hold on her hips. I didn’t want her getting up just yet.

“I’ll take tea if you have it.”

The bunk door slid open again just as Braxton was standing. I noticed how she moved a little gingerly and smirked. I’d never fucked anyone as hard as I had her last night and was already eager to do it again. I knew she’d let me despite the fight she put up.

Loren was awake, hair sticking up, and wearing a frown that cleared the moment he noticed Oni. Without a word or making a sound, he turned on his heel and disappeared again. It was probably for the best since Loren was cranky enough in the mornings without throwing someone he hated into the mix.

Braxton fixed Oni’s tea, and as she handed it to her along with the milk and sugar Oni had requested, a knock sounded on the door. Without looking up from his pad, Houston shouted for the person to enter, and the door slid open, revealing Xavier.

“You got to be fucking kidding me,” he snapped the moment he saw Oni.

“That’s funny,” she said without missing a beat. “I was going to say the same about your tie.”

“I’m not wearing one.”

She gave him that same deprecating look she gave me, except much slower—like she was taking her time. Xavier always wore his suits without a tie. He preferred to keep the top buttons of his shirt undone, showing off his chest and the dark skin underneath.

“My point exactly.”

I stood from the table and joined Houston on the couch. He had to be the one who’d called Xavier over here though I didn’t know why. Those two hated each other even more than we did. “You know they’re just going to argue all day and pretend we’re the reason for it, right?”

Houston looked up from the line he was writing down Copyright 2016 - 2024