Life After Life A Novel - By Jill McCorkle Page 0,125

all the time adding to the list she keeps in her journal, for instance one of the nurses at Pine Haven had told her about a book she should read about child development and she had written down the title. Even if someone had been in there, there wasn’t anything worth stealing. Now that they know that, there would be no reason to go back unless they wanted a place to smoke pot or have sex and surely she would know if they had done either of those. She would definitely know and they wouldn’t do that. That would be stupid and she is being stupid, the whole thought of having to go back out into the cemetery giving her the creeps, but that’s stupid, too.

Kurt is asleep when she gets to Joanna’s house and so she carries the whole car seat inside. Joanna’s kitchen looks like a yard sale is happening, the counter covered with all kinds of pots and vases and junk.

“Whoa, look at you,” Joanna whispers. “I’ve never seen you so dressed up. And so conservative-looking. What on earth happened to C.J.?”

“Not a biggie,” C.J. says, and tiptoes into Joanna’s room to avoid looking at her. “I’m putting in an application at Macy’s, hoping to maybe work the cosmetic counter and thought I should look good.”

“Work? When? You’ve got a job and our deal is that you help me.”

“Oh, I know, this wouldn’t mess that up.” She places the car seat down in the corner where she can still see Kurt from the kitchen.

“I thought you had a date.”

“Oh, I do. And I’m meeting him there at the mall. He works at the Olive Garden.” She talks fast, all the answers she prepared for all the questions she knew Joanna would ask. “What’s with all the junk, are you having a yard sale?”

“No.” Joanna reaches and fingers the silk blouse and raises a questioning eyebrow. “I told you I want you to take something. Every time you come over you can just take something.”

“I thought that’s what we were going to do at your wedding.”

“Yeah, right. The wedding. Well, I’m impatient,” Joanna says, and holds up a giant white vase. “How about this beauty and I can throw in a never before used knife sharpener and colander?” She laughs. “Seriously, C.J., who is this guy and why are you being so secretive? Do you need money because I can loan you—”

“No. It’s just that I don’t want to jinx it,” she says. “But I promise to tell you soon. Either way, I will tell you soon.”

“What does that mean either way?” Joanna steps closer. “And why do you look like you’re about to cry?”

“I don’t know. I really don’t. I’m nervous and you’re making me more nervous.”


“It’s stupid. It’s as stupid as you giving away all of your junk.” She blots the corners of her eyes and forces a laugh. “Really. I should be quizzing you like you’re not planning to off yourself or something are you?”

“What do you mean?” Joanna turns and the look on her face is one C.J. has never seen, clearly very upset. She puts the vase down. “That isn’t funny. I told you my story and you told me yours and neither one is a joke. I would never do such a thing and I can’t believe you’d even joke about it.”

“Good,” C.J. says, “ I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. Jesus. And I do mean good. Kurt needs you.”

“And I need him.” Joanna starts putting things back in the cabinets. “Do you even know this person you have a date with?”

“Yes, Mother,” C.J. says. “We were in high school together. And by the way, I need you, too.”

“Yes, I know you do which is why I do ask all these questions. I worry. You’re so secretive lately and I don’t understand why you feel you can’t trust me.”

“It’s not that and you really need to trust me. I worry, too. Like I think you need to get all dressed up and go on a date. And I worry because Kurt is starting to roll all over the place and you have to watch him every second and your house is full of crap everywhere.” She points to the floor as if he is there rolling and turns quickly to leave. She hates if anything ever makes her cry; she hates how ugly crying makes a person, the way your face gets all twisted and ugly and fucks your whole Copyright 2016 - 2024