Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,99


She pressed “Send” and started a second text. It would feasibly take a few dings to get Sal curious enough to pick up her phone and take a look.

Answer me, Sylvia!

After waiting a few seconds, she sent the grand finale.

I didn’t want it to come to this, but if you don’t agree to talk to me, I’m posting these on the internet.

Attaching the selfies she took at Sammy’s apartment, she pressed “Send.” Before leaving the stall, she typed one more message.

Don’t be stupid, Sylvia. You have one hour.

She stepped out of the restroom before hitting “Send.” Then she quickly replaced the burner in the pocket of her purse and headed for the table.

As she eased into her seat, she was thrilled to see her phone was no longer there. She smiled at Sal, and the concern in his eyes was palpable. “Your phone kept beeping. It must’ve fallen when you got up, so I took it from your chair.” He slid it to her. “I didn’t mean to read it, but the text appeared when I had your phone in my hand. I think it’s from your ex. Is his name Hugh?”

Hooray for his curiosity! It had been a solid move to label the burner as “Hugh” in her contacts, causing his name to appear with each nasty text. She began reading, scrolling slowly until she stopped on the first scandalous photo. “Oh no!” She smacked her phone on the table and covered her face with her hands, allowing her shoulders to shake. It was tough to conjure up the tears, but after pressing her fingers into her eyes, she managed to get them going. Slowly, she looked up. “He’s going to post photos of me on the internet. I have to respond to him. But oh my God . . .” She huddled into herself. “I feel so violated.”

Sal’s eyes were dark with rage. “What he’s doing is illegal. It’s called revenge porn. You have to report this, Sylvia.”

Shaking her head, she spoke in a frightened whisper. “He won’t stop. I don’t even know what he wants anymore. I’ve promised him I won’t tell his wife.”

“If you’re scared to go to the police, I’ll go with you. Would that help?”

“I just don’t know.” Wrapping her arms around her middle, she said, “I’m so embarrassed. This isn’t how I envisioned our first date. You’ve already seen me naked,” she added with a bitter laugh.

“Hey,” he said, reaching to smooth a hand down her cheek. “Our first date has been amazing. I’m not going to let your ex ruin any part of it. If anything, I’ve learned just how strong you are. You’re an amazing woman.”

Well, all this flattery was unexpected. Sal was proving to be quite a find. Luring him into bed wouldn’t be difficult. “Thank you.” A tentative smile crept to her lips. “I think you’re pretty amazing too. Thanks for not making me feel bad about those pictures. I wasn’t even aware he’d taken them.”

He nodded and gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. “Which is exactly why you need to report this.”

“Okay. I think you’re right.” She drew her gaze to his. “Thank you for being so nice.”

“I’m just being human. You deserve better than your ex.” His lips quivered like he wanted to say more. How sweet. He rubbed a hand on her arm as they stood. “You’re shivering. I’d offer you my coat if I had one. I thought we were on a warming trend.”

She slid her hand to his as they reached her car. She’d found a great spot on the street a block from the restaurant. “This is me,” she said, giving his hand a squeeze.

“VIP parking, huh? Lucky you.”

“Someone was pulling out just as I was pulling in. Sometimes I get lucky.”

He chuckled, and she hoped he was imagining getting lucky with her. “I was the lucky one tonight. Thanks for having dinner with me.” He paused, circling his arms around her waist. “I can honestly say this was one of the best dates I’ve had in ages.”

She was wearing heels, so she didn’t need to stand on tiptoe. She closed her eyes and brushed her lips against his. It was a light touch, more of a sweep than a kiss. She caressed a hand down the side of his face as she did. There was magic in the right touch. She pulled back, and his mouth was still slightly open, and his eyes were hooded, sexy. “I had a wonderful time with Copyright 2016 - 2024