Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,94

wouldn’t find something to complain about next month. They could celebrate rain showers and flowers. And endangered animals, of course. Mrs. Trainor couldn’t complain about that. What was upsetting about a panda? As Riki walked to her car, her phone rang. She looked at the name on the screen and increased her pace.

“Hey, Brandon!”

“You’ll never guess what happened!”

“What? Tell me!” she said as she fumbled to move the phone to her shoulder so she could unlock the door.

He cleared his throat. It made a rumbling noise that Riki found irresistible. She pressed the phone closer to her ear. “I got a second producer callback! They just told my agent. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.”

She could feel his excitement flowing through the phone line as she sank into the driver’s seat. It was almost like he was next to her. If he were, he’d grab her into a delicious hug. “Oh, Brandon, that’s awesome! I’m so happy for you.” Her heart pounded as she said his name.

“Thanks. Can you imagine if I get this? God, I need this. I need it for Em,” he said, lowering his voice. It made him sound wistful, like he was picturing her face as he spoke. “She’s stuck by me through this crazy ride, and I want to be able to tell her I finally did it, you know?”

“Yeah.” She licked her lips, trying to battle the sudden dryness that overtook her mouth. “She would be so happy.”

“I know. Well, I had to tell you. You’ve been my one-woman support team through all this. If I get this part, I’ll have you to thank for it.”

“Hey, I just gave you a contact. You’ve done this all on your own. Be proud of that.”

“Thanks, Riki.” His voice softened. “Thanks.”

She knew he was grateful to her. It’s the kind of guy he was—the kind of man she wanted for herself. “You’re welcome. And good luck with the next callback. When is it?”

“Monday. I’ll definitely keep you posted.”

“Thanks. Have a great weekend. Bye.”

She ended the call and started her car. The way he loved Embry was nothing short of magical. Maybe that was part of his appeal. He was such an amazing husband. And seeing him interact with Kylie and Carson always made her heart flutter. She bit her lip as a sudden sadness swept through her. If they were forced to move, what were the chances they’d still be neighbors? It wasn’t like their priority would be finding a place with an opening next door for Riki. Besides, Embry wanted a house. There was no way Riki could afford rent on a single-family home. Even if she could, living in a house with empty bedrooms would make her miss her family more. Doors would gape open from the hollow spaces, questioning why no one was there. How awful. The thing she loved about the apartments at Mockingbird Lane was all the people. As she drove home, her mind shifted to her upcoming trip with Chris. Maybe this weekend together would be the thing that pushed their relationship forward. She wanted him to be the perfect guy for her. He really was a wonderful person. Most of the time.

Ugh. She was going to drive herself crazy with the push and pull of her feelings. It was like the needy and vulnerable part of her heart wanted to chase after Chris, but her brain kept pulling back the reins. And she could never let anyone know where her mind had been with Brandon. That was something she had to keep locked inside. Forever.


Sylvia removed her wrist brace and tossed it onto her bed. She’d worn it long enough, and besides, her wrist felt close to fine now. “Naughty Girl” by Beyoncé blared in the background as Sylvia spritzed a fine mist of Black Orchid into the air. She stepped through it, rolling her shoulders to the sultry music. The perfume was bold, so just a hint was enough. The key was to intrigue, not dominate. She’d chosen a wine-hued DVF wrap dress for her date. The beauty of the wrap dress was that it had a sophisticated appearance but could be downright sex in silk if she moved the right way. By leaning forward ever so slightly over her glass of wine, she could present him with a peek of her lacy bra and full breasts. She would maintain a neutral expression, as though she had no idea it was happening, and thus, it Copyright 2016 - 2024