Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,89

on, and they’d left them in piles on the floor, stepping around them as though they weren’t there.

She startled when she realized Kylie was calling her. “Oh, sugar. I got so caught up in my thoughts, I didn’t hear you. What do you need?”

An assortment of Tupperware containers was lined up in front of her on the linoleum floor. She tapped one with a wooden spoon. “Listen, Mama.” In her sweet little voice, she warbled out a song. “I love my daddy. I love my mommy, too-ooh-ooh.”

Embry smiled and clapped as her eyes filled with tears. These pregnancy hormones were causing her to get choked up at the drop of a hat. She had to figure out a way to tell Brandon soon. It was getting harder and harder to keep her tears at bay. “I like your song, Kylie. Will you sing it for Daddy when he gets back?”

She nodded solemnly. “I miss my daddy.”

I do too, she thought, but she smiled brightly. Letting Ky see her upset wouldn’t help a thing. “He only just left. And you’ll see him soon. Now, how about you play some songs while I rustle up an early lunch. I’ll make some nice soup for us. Do you want Nemo or Olaf?”

“Olaf.” She looked up at Embry with her thick-lashed eyes. “You know what’s sad, Mama?”

“What’s that?”

Her lips formed into a pout. “We don’t have Moana soup.”

She smiled. “I don’t think they make Moana soup.”

“It’s very sad.”

“Maybe they will one day. You never know.”

She just shook her little head, and Embry’s heart squeezed. What if this wasn’t about the soup? What if her sweet girl was sad about something else?

“Mama, Moana only gets sippy cups and underwear.”

She almost laughed but held back. Kylie was clearly taking this to heart. “You’re right. But she has some really nice cups. Do you want to use yours with lunch? Give your froggy cup a break?”

She clapped her hands, dropping the spoon in the process. “Oh yes, Mama!” She pattered over and kissed Embry on the cheek. “You’re the best mama in the whole world.”

At that moment, Carson wailed. Embry looked at Kylie. “Your brother doesn’t seem to think so. What do you say we go get his pacifier?”

But Kylie was already prancing over to retrieve it from his crib. She returned, and in her singsong voice, she said, “It’s all right, Carsie. It’s all right. Shh. Shh.” She plunged the pacifier into his mouth, but he wriggled his head and screamed louder.

Embry quietly tried the pacifier again. “Thanks, Kylie. You’re a good big sister. He’s a little fussy, isn’t he?”

“Oh, Mama. He’s a mess.”

This time, Embry did laugh. Aren’t we all? she thought. Aren’t we all? Maybe if she embraced the messiness of her life, everything would seem easier. “Hey, Ky? After lunch, would you like to watch a movie? You can sit on the sofa with Cuddle Kitty like a big girl.” Usually Embry or Brandon sat with her, because they’d vowed never to use the television as a babysitter, but today, she was making an exception. Just because Brandon’s schedule had changed, it didn’t have to mess up hers.

Her eyes grew wide. “I watch Moana?”

“It’s a plan. I’ll be at the table doing a little work, okay?”

“Carsie watch too?”

“No, sweetie. It’ll be his naptime then.” And I’ll start to make things happen. The sign outside stood like an unwanted visitor, but she would use it as motivation. If the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Thirty minutes later, Kylie had eaten her soup and was settled happily in front of the movie with Cuddle Kitty, her favorite plush toy. Embry made a list of ingredients she would need and checked the prices online. It would be a gamble to buy in bulk, but she was going to make this happen. Make it happen or go broke trying. At least she’d saved the box of printable business-card paper she’d bought years ago. It’d be easy enough to make an eye-catching card on the computer to go along with the pops. The more professional it looked, the better. If there was one thing she could say about herself, she was creative. And a perfectionist when it came to aesthetics. She would get these pops into a store one way or another. Go big, Embry. Go big.


Riki pulled into her spot in the carport, and her eyes flashed to Brandon’s truck. He was home. She wondered if he’d gone to his audition yet. The heady feeling Copyright 2016 - 2024