Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,88

smiles and bellies that stayed firmly behind their belts. A man whose gut reached down toward the crotch of his pants looked so sloppy. If anyone needed shapewear, it was the beer-bellied men. There were no females lingering in the background, but then, it looked like this was a boys’ outing. She went back into Facebook and read the two comments. Looking good, boys. Nice to see the old gang back together. That was from a man named Danny Saunders. The next was from an Yvette Mendel Rodriguez. Great photo!

So, she thought. He has a sister. She clicked on Yvette Mendel Rodriguez, but her profile was private. Smart woman. Closing out of the page, she tucked her phone into her drawer and resumed working. She had all the information she needed for their first date.


Embry scooped Carson from the portable changing table and hugged him close, breathing in his baby scent. There was nothing she loved more. “Kylie, grab a sweater so you can go to the park with Daddy before lunch,” she said as she walked to the kitchen. She knew she was rushing them out, but she was eager to do some research on how to get her honey pops into stores. With that sign outside, she was more determined than ever, and once she had everything all set, she would tell Brandon.

Kylie slunk by the master bedroom door. “Daddy’s not going.”

“Why? It’s not raining.”

She shrugged and sank to the floor as if her entire day had been ruined. Embry shifted Carson to her other hip and walked past Kylie into her bedroom. “Brandon,” she started but then stopped. His hair was slick, and his face was freshly shaved. The jeans he wore looked new, as did the button-down shirt.

“Hey, darlin’.”

“Where are you going?”

“I thought I told you. I picked up the midday shift at the restaurant.” He patted his jeans for his wallet and headed for their closet, riffling through coat pockets.

“You didn’t tell me.” She watched as he grabbed his keys and stuffed his wallet into his back pocket. It didn’t escape her that he was avoiding looking her in the eyes. “Are you not working tonight?”

“Uh, yeah, I’m still going in tonight, but I picked up an extra shift.” He looked past her to Kylie, who had her back against the doorjamb and her feet pressed to the opposite side. A half grin emerged, and he winked at Embry. “Hey, sugar bear. Can I have a big hug before I head out?”

She lifted a shoulder and let it drop.

He scooped Kylie into his arms and blew a raspberry into her tummy, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles as she wriggled and squirmed. Goodness, it was so easy for him to get that girl to laugh. But Embry knew, sure as the sun, that once he walked out the door, she’d be left with a little girl who didn’t understand why her daddy wasn’t taking her to the park like he’d promised. He gave Kylie a big kiss on the cheek and set her gently on her feet.

“I’ll try to stop by before I have to head out to the bar tonight, okay?”

Embry nodded and held Carson close.

“And don’t look so worried,” he said, following her gaze to the sign in the yard. “Just because it’s for sale doesn’t mean someone will buy it right away. It’s all going to work out. You mark my words,” he said, kissing Carson on the cheek. “Bye, baby.” He gave Embry a meaningful look and left.

She squinted after him, trying to decipher what that look could’ve meant. It hit her like a sock to the gut. He’d lied. Great acting, Brandon. I saw right through you. What was it with people today? First Jonathan and now her own husband. She looked to Kylie, wondering if she could pile the kids in the car under the guise of running an errand so she could follow him. But his truck was already rambling down the driveway, and she’d have to work magic to get the kids buckled in the car fast enough to catch him.

She kissed Carson again, getting comfort from his sweet baby scent. Oh, for heaven’s sake. Brandon wouldn’t lie. And he certainly wouldn’t cheat on her, would he? Oh, she was scattered! Ever since Sylvia had told her about her cheating ex-boyfriend, she’d become absolutely paranoid. That look could’ve meant anything. Heaven knows they had unfinished arguments lying around the house. Life had charged Copyright 2016 - 2024