Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,84

number stand as she left.

“Excellent call on the muffin.” She lifted her own from her plate and inhaled the sweetness. “Yumm. I could exist on this smell alone. Real estate agents understand this, you know. They bake muffins or cookies the morning of an open house. When prospective buyers walk in, they don’t want to leave. It works like magic.” I suppose the reverse is true too, she thought. Maybe she could wrangle some skunks over to Mockingbird Lane if Jonathan decided to hold an open house.

“Sounds sneaky.” He smiled as he peeled the paper from his muffin. “I’m addicted to this place. These are like crack for me.”

She knew right then and there that he’d never had experience with drug users. No one who had would make a joke about addiction and crack the way he just did. She didn’t blame him, though. He hadn’t lived it.

“The coffee is wonderful too,” she said, sipping hers.

“I was thinking about you after we met.” He smiled. “As I was sitting in the dentist chair.”

“Oof. That’s not a good thing. You’re going to associate me with pain.”

“I don’t mind the dentist. I actually like the taste of the stuff they use to polish my teeth.” He leaned back in the chair, stretching, as if prepping to say something important but wanting to give the impression of being casual. “I was wondering how long you’ve been dealing with your ex.” His eyes shifted for a moment but then focused back on her. “I know how upsetting it can be. I’ve been there. Well, with angry texts, at least.”

“Really?” She placed her good hand beneath her chin and leaned forward a touch. Enough to say, I’m listening.

He ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah. When I was going through the divorce.”

“Which was how long ago?”

“Three years now. Things have finally settled down, but it was hell for a while. And when you got those texts, it brought it all back. I felt for you. I probably sound intrusive. Maybe I am.” He laughed. “I sometimes think it’s my job to protect anyone who’s getting bullied by an ex. And one day, if anyone dares to hurt my little girl—watch out. I’ll kill them with my bare hands.”

What a lovely sentiment. An idea floated above her like a soft cloud blocking the glare of the sun, but she left it to hover. No need to make any snap decisions. She moved her eyes to Sal’s. “You’re quite the protective one.”

He shook his head. “I just have a knee-jerk reaction to certain things, and that’s one of them. So while I was sitting there in the dentist chair, I was angry with myself for not trying to help. It’s funny that I ran into you here today. I’d already planned to track you down in the marketing department.” He held up his hands. “And if I’m sticking my head in where it’s not wanted, I’ll back off. I just wanted you to know I’m here to help if you need it.” He glanced at her wrist but shifted his gaze quickly back to her eyes. He knew better than to pry. Lovely man.

“Thank you. But I’ll be okay.” She looked away from his probing brown eyes, urging her mind to work quickly. “Here’s the thing,” she stated slowly. “It was my fault too. I discovered he was married. And,” she said, taking a breath, “he has a baby. A brand-new baby.”

“Oh, shit. What a prick.”

“That’s a nice description of him.” She smiled before soldiering on. “He was afraid I’d tell his wife.”

“But you didn’t?” His eyes were wide.



“Why, indeed,” she said. “Karma?”

He laughed a big, genuine, contagious laugh.

She blinked innocently. It was a look she’d mastered over the years. “What? You don’t believe in karma?”

“Yeah, no. I don’t know.” He grinned. “I like you. You may think that’s weird for me to come right out and say, but after my divorce, I promised myself I wouldn’t dick around ever again. I like you and would love to take you to dinner. Are you free tomorrow night? I know it’s last-minute, but I have my daughter back Saturday morning.”

She looked at him from beneath her lashes. “I don’t know.”

He shifted in his chair and looked down, just as she hoped he would. The trick was to make him worry her answer would be no. It would make her ultimate yes that much sweeter. Holding up her bandaged wrist, she said, “This is what happens when I venture Copyright 2016 - 2024