Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,81

said, rolling a hand in front of her like royalty, though with the brace, she resembled a royal robot.

“I thought she died a long time ago.”

“Well, yes, but he won’t know that. He’s an idiot—he thought your name is Emily. It’ll take him a while to figure out I signed the wrong name. Riki is now the amazing Ricky Ricardo. She was all too happy to sign a fake name when I suggested it to her. Apparently, Jonathan was leering at her and trying to force her to sign. I’ve never seen her that upset about something. Makes me hate Jonathan a little more than I already did.”

“Oh. Goodness, I wonder if I shouldn’t have signed.”

“I’m sure it’s fine. My bigger concern is that he’s lying about selling. I think he told Dave the truth about it. That could leave all of us scrambling to find a new place to live.”

“I know! Nadine never would’ve done this. I’m trying to stay calm, but it’s got me worried.”

“Yes. I’m thinking if people come look at it, we can tell them how awful it is. You know, the rats in the trash area and the faulty wiring.”

“What? There are rats?” She stole a glance at Kylie and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

“No, but we can tell prospective buyers there are.”

A smile lit Embry’s face. “Oh! Right. And leaky pipes.”


Embry shifted her feet. “So the other reason I stopped by is because I met a woman at the park who knows you.”

Sylvia frowned. “Who?”

“Lily.” She looked upward before returning her gaze. “Shoot. I didn’t catch her last name, but she gave me your license. She said you left it at her house yesterday.” Embry handed it to her.

“Thank you.” Sylvia looked amused, as though she really were psychic like Sylvia Browne and had predicted the entire thing. “How did she know you’re my neighbor if you just met her?”

Embry shrugged. “That was kind of strange. We were just talking in passing, and I mentioned we live on Mockingbird Lane. That’s when she asked if I know you. Is she not a friend of yours?”

“She’s a relatively new friend. A colleague’s wife.”

“Oh.” Embry’s face burned, and she grappled with whether she should tell her more. But she had to. It was the right thing to do. “Um, there’s something else I need to tell you. Is it okay for Ky to go in and arrange the magnets on your fridge while we talk?”

“Always. Come on in, young lady,” she said, stepping aside so Kylie could pass. “You know where it is. I bought a new one the other day. See if you can find it.” She smiled as Kylie darted into the kitchen, then turned back to Embry. “What is it?”

“Well, it’s something Lily told me, but I feel obliged to share it with you.”

“Okay. Fire away.”

Embry shifted Carson to her other arm. “She asked how you were, which is fine. I assumed she was talking about your wrist, but then she went on to say you were upset about finding out your boyfriend is married and a dad. Is that true?”

Sylvia turned her gaze to the ground, and Embry wondered if she’d said too much. “Sadly, yes,” she said quietly before lifting her eyes. “Disgusting, isn’t it? It was quite a shock. And to think that he’s blaming me.”

“That’s awful. Why?” Embry whispered. She seemed to have swallowed her voice. This was horrible. She couldn’t imagine what Sylvia must be going through.

“Who knows? I thought I knew him, but I’m seeing a side that’s . . .”

She waited, searching Sylvia’s face. “That’s what?”

“Scary. I feel so stupid saying that. I’m probably imagining it. I’m sure it’s fine.”

“Sylvia, don’t downplay it. My favorite aunt always said you should listen to your gut. Is there any way I can help?”

“I don’t know. He’s made threats. He’s worried I’ll tell his wife. That seems cruel, though, doesn’t it? Why hurt her?”

Embry’s eyes went wide, and another chill shot through her. “I would want to know if Brandon cheated on me! I’d strangle him and then run him over with my car.”

“He’s not the cheating type, though, is he?”

“No! Of course not. It’s just horrible that this guy lied to you.” Embry’s heart raced as a hideous thought edged its way in. Brandon could be the cheating type if he wanted to. How could Sylvia remain so calm? If it had been her, she’d have punched a hole through the wall by now, and she wasn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024