Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,76

make some money, having a third baby wouldn’t seem so overwhelming. And she wanted this baby with all her heart.

Her mind drifted to the woman with the colorful arms and the angelic voice. I like to say that what we’re looking for is always in front of us. We just have to see it, she’d said.

Well, I’m going to keep my eyes open, Embry thought as she rolled into the driveway.

Carson’s limbs stiffened against Embry’s body, and he let out a wail.

“Mama, tell Carson he’s too loud!” Kylie slapped her hands to her ears.

Embry clicked the stroller brake with her foot. “Climb out, Ky. Let’s get you inside.” She purposefully ignored the complaint. Kylie was right, though. He was loud. She closed her eyes and inhaled. Breathe in, breathe out. This is only one moment. It will pass.

Carson’s cries grew in strength. She unfastened the carrier while silently counting to ten. “I’ll get you a bottle, Carsie. Hang on.” Her voice was calm even though in her mind she was screaming. She focused her attention straight ahead. It always helped if she could mentally distance herself from the stress. The honey bear sat on the kitchen counter, left out from breakfast. It looked like the bear was smiling at her. Or maybe laughing. Don’t you laugh at me, she thought. I’m doing my best!

With one hand, she made a bottle, which Carson grabbed for as though he hadn’t eaten in days. She set him in his high chair, making sure he was strapped in, and went to help Kylie. Her mind tried to imagine a third baby in the mix right now, but she squeezed the thought from her head. One step at a time.

She found Kylie in the bathroom, naked on the fluffy blue rug, using a baby wipe to clean her legs. “Oh, sweetie. What a great job! You’re getting yourself all cleaned up.”

“I’m a big girl, Mama!”

“Yes, you are. I’ll get some fresh clothes for you. Toss the dirty ones in the tub, and I’ll rinse them before washing them, okay?”

She nodded as she scrubbed the wipe across her foot. Embry checked on Carson before returning to Kylie. All was well. Everything would work out just fine. Once Kylie was dressed, they walked to the kitchen together.

“Ky, do you want some juice?”

“In my sippy cup, Mama! The green froggy one.”

“Okay.” She took it from the cupboard and smiled to herself. Frogs today, and who knows what tomorrow? The girl changed her mind like the weather.

“Hello, honey bear,” Kylie sang. “Honey, honey, honey, you are so yummy!”

“Are you talking to the honey bear?”

“He’s right there, Mama!” She pointed.

“Oh, I know. I forgot to put it away after breakfast.” She shook her head and turned to grab it.

“We make honey pops today, Mama?”

She stopped where she was and looked from the honey bottle to Kylie. “What’d you say?”

“Honey pops, Mama. We make them? I love them so much.”

The woman’s words were in her head again. This time, loud and clear: We just have to see it.

“Honey pops,” she repeated slowly, but her heart began to race. The honeycomb soap and the cute little bees in the store yesterday—had they been signs she hadn’t seen? “That’s it, Kylie! That’s it!” She smiled down at her and drew her into a hug. “We’ll make a whole bunch of them today. Mama has an idea.” Her mind zipped ahead like watching a movie in fast-forward. It was all so clear now! She’d been perfecting the honey pops recipe since Auntie Boots had first taught her how to make them when she was only nine years old. People gobbled them up every time she made them. What’s to say she couldn’t earn money from selling them? Hart’s Honey Pops. That’s what she would call them, in honor of all the strong women in her family. She could almost see them here now, cheering and clapping as she took her first step toward this shiny new idea. Or maybe it was a discarded dream that she could breathe back to life.


Sylvia parked her car across the street from Sammy’s place. How quickly she’d been able to categorize it as not Hugh’s in her mind. Picking up her phone, she dialed the number listed on the sign outside the sprawling apartment complex, but before she could connect, her phone rang, and Hugh’s name appeared.

She slid her finger across the screen. “Hello, Hugh. I thought you would’ve called last night.”

“I couldn’t! You came to my Copyright 2016 - 2024