Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,52

I’ll pick it up before I go to work. I told you once, and I’ll say it again: I’m a vault.” She repeated the locking of her lips before turning back to her apartment.

Nightmares about getting written up by a police officer for urinating in public had knocked Embry from sleep throughout the night, and she practically jumped out of bed at dawn to fulfill her promise. After that, unsettling thoughts had chased her all morning until a call from her brother had given her some sweet relief.

Brandon walked in with Kylie lying flat across his arms. “Vroom, vroom!” He swooped her near the ground. “And the airplane has reached its final destination.” He landed her on her feet as she giggled. “Go kiss your mama. She looks tired.”

Kylie scrambled to sit in Embry’s lap and placed her hands on both cheeks. “I love you, Mama.” She touched her nose to Embry’s and patted her hair. “My pretty mommy,” she said before hopping down from her lap.

Brandon tousled her curls. “Smart girl.” He turned to Embry. “Was that your brother who called? It sounded like he was asking for a favor.” He unbuckled Carson, who was frantically swiping his Cheerios from the tray of his high chair, and lifted him out.

Embry stood to fill her water glass with ice cubes. He’s not the only one asking for favors, though his wasn’t completely bizarre. She sipped the cold water. It was strange, but she couldn’t seem to get enough ice water during her pregnancies. She hoped Brandon wouldn’t notice, but then again, maybe it would be easier if he put all the clues together instead of having to tell him. Maybe she could even act like she’d started to wonder, too, and they could take a pregnancy test together. Facing him, she said, “Yeah, that was Evan.” She swirled the cubes in her glass, then sat back at the table. Notice the ice, Brandon! But he only looked at her with a raised brow. “He asked if we could watch Gracie.”

“His dog? That’s kind of a lot for him to ask, don’t you think?”

Embry frowned. How could you place a limit on what you’d do for family? She would donate a kidney for her brother. Watching his dog was nothing in the scheme of things. “It’ll be fine. You know how much he hates to ask for help. He wouldn’t have done it if he wasn’t in a bind.”

“It’ll be fine?” he asked as his eyebrows shot to his forehead.

“Yes, it’ll be fine. He’ll leave us with plenty of food. It’s not like it’ll cost us anything. Anyway, I already said yes.”

“You didn’t think you should run it by me?” he asked with a forced smile. “What if I don’t want to watch a dog? It’s going to poop all over the yard, and it’ll need walking—”

“So I’ll pick up the poop. And I’m more than capable of walking a dog.” She threw him a look. This new short-temperedness had her nerves on edge.

“That’s not the point!” His voice was sharp, startling Carson. He set the baby in the swing and spun to face her. “I’m already stressed enough. I don’t want to add a goddamn dog to the mix, okay? Tell him we can’t. Say I’m allergic.”

“Brandon Taylor, you watch your mouth. And no, I won’t lie to my brother.”

“This is unbelievable. Do you have any idea how much pressure I’m under?”

She lowered her voice, hoping to calm him. “I get it. But Evan said it’ll only be for a few weeks. His dog walker got a full-time job, and instead of finding someone new, he asked if we’d watch her until he moves down here.”

“Can’t a neighbor watch the dog? I’m serious, Embry. I can’t handle any more change right now. I was counting on the soap. Adena led me to believe it was a done deal, and I’m not getting any younger. Can’t you understand that? I’m working my ass off, and I can barely make the rent.”

“I get it. I really do, baby. All I want to do is help you, but I can’t say no to Evan.”

“But you’ll say no to me. That’s just great,” he snapped before storming into their bedroom and slamming the door behind him. The clanking of his dumbbells sounded. Well, it was better than him taking off in his truck, she reasoned as her eyes filled. She sank into the chair and covered her face with her hands.

“Mama! Carsie is falling! Copyright 2016 - 2024