Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,32

plunger. It did nothing more than put a bandage on the stupid problem.”

“Did you call Jonathan?”

“I left a message. The man never answers his phone. It’s annoying.”

“It is annoying. If he doesn’t get back to you by Monday, we can call a plumber on our own and bill him. In the meantime, we can survive a few more days, right? We’ll pretend we’re camping,” he added with a wink.

“No thanks! You know I hate camping.”

His cell phone rang, and he shifted the baby to check the number. He met Embry’s eyes and passed Carson to her. “It’s Adena. This is it.”

Embry nodded and held the baby close, watching Brandon as he rushed to the bedroom and closed the door. She squeezed her eyes shut, making a wish. I hope he gets it, she thought. He has to get it.

“Mama, why you close your eyes?” Kylie asked. “Ba boo!” she shouted, waving the spatula in front of her. “You awake!”

“You got me, sweetie! I’m awake now,” she said. “Will you wave your wand and make some good luck for Daddy?”

With a flourish, she twirled in a circle and waved the spatula so hard, it flew from her hand, landing with a clatter near the door. Laughter spilled out of her. “That was big magic, Mama. Daddy has a whole bunch of good luck,” she said, spreading her arms wide.

“Thanks, Ky.” She pressed her face into the bundle of baby, and Brandon came back into the room, his eyes bluer than she’d ever seen them. She wanted them to be happy tears, but she knew better. It was in the stiffness of his shoulders and the tightness of his jaw. He locked eyes with her and shook his head.

She covered her mouth with a shaking hand and hurried Carson to his swing, barely stopping to fasten the straps before sweeping her arms around Brandon. There were no words to make this better. He’d put every last egg in this basket. She knew a little piece of him was dying on the inside. His agent had all but promised he’d land this part after yesterday’s audition. The casting director loves you! She wants this for you so badly.

Embry had wanted it even more. For Brandon. For the baby. She wished she could change history, but no amount of wishing or positive thinking could make things different. Brandon wasn’t a working actor; he was a waiter by day and a bartender by night. She shuddered a sigh into his shoulder. “Maybe we should think about going home.”

He took her by both arms, holding on to her as if to steady himself. “What?”

“It’s a thought,” she said, taking a step back. “Money is tight, and we don’t have any family out here. And . . .” Tears pooled in her eyes. “And I—”

“And what? You don’t think I can do it? Is that what you’re saying?”

The sharpness in his voice stung, and the urge to spill the baby news hovered on her lips. What would he say if she just tossed it out there and let him deal with it? What sweet relief that would bring. But it wouldn’t be fair to him. And no matter what, she couldn’t help but put his feelings first. It was what you did when you loved someone.

She shook her head. “No! I’m not saying that at all.” Softening, she added, “I just want to do what’s best for us. That’s all.”

“Dammit, Embry. What do you think I want? Do you know how I feel every time I have to tell you I didn’t get another goddamn part?” He violently slit the air with his hand. “Not even a stupid costarring role that any asshole can book. I’m failing you. There’s always someone taller, shorter, more southern, less southern. They always want someone with a bit more or a bit less. I’m never the one.” He shoved a hand in his hair and turned away.

Embry threw a protective glance toward Kylie, worried that she’d heard Brandon swearing up a storm, but she was busy wandering the room, tapping her spatula to the books on the shelf as though anticipating their coming to life. Satisfied Kylie wasn’t listening, she touched her hand to Brandon’s shoulder. “You’re not failing us. The whole Hollywood thing is like getting picked up by a tornado and tossed around until you’re sick. But you will land.”

He shrugged her hand off and spun to face her. “How do you know that? Truth is, you don’t.”

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