Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,3

might claim it wasn’t healthy, but for her, it was necessary. Better to cut a man off before he could do the cutting.

That said, she wasn’t ready to sever ties with Hugh. But he needed a nudge in the right direction. If he mentioned Lily again, she would leave again. It would be like electric-shock therapy. He seemed like a fast learner. She certainly hoped he was.


Wednesday, March 8

Embry Taylor smoothed the paper napkin in her lap and watched her husband of four years tuck in to his plate of baby back ribs. It was the most relaxed she’d seen him in days. If only she felt that calm. What she’d learned that morning had her nerves sparking like live wires.

But she couldn’t tell him. Not tonight. It’d be best to let the news simmer for a bit.

A smudge of barbecue sauce sat like a brushstroke on Brandon’s chin, but he was enjoying his food too much to notice. His entire focus was on savoring every bite. Mindfulness in action.

That was important, wasn’t it? Living in the moment. Being mindful. Ever since they’d moved to Los Angeles, she’d felt a shift in her thinking, as if the City of Angels were alive with real angels. Angels who whispered in her ear at night, prodding her with their silken voices.

Be present.


Listen to your heart.

She had done just that this morning. Those angels had stopped her from rushing out to Brandon and telling him what she’d learned. Persistent little things with their fluttery wings and sage advice.

Be calm. Just be.

Telling Brandon would relieve her stress, but what would it do to him? Send him right over the edge, that’s what.

She exhaled and tried for a smile. It was their fourth anniversary. Reason to celebrate. They should be sipping fine champagne and laughing recklessly at their good fortune. But fine champagne wasn’t their reality. Hollywood was to blame. If that fickle city had welcomed him with open arms instead of devastating punches, sharing the news right now would require a toast. How she wished things would change for Brandon. He was such a good man. Even with the voracious eating, he was the sexiest man in the restaurant. The sweetest too. Sometimes it was hard to believe she was the lucky one he fell for all those years ago. The first time she’d laid eyes on him in their crowded high school hallway, she’d dropped her folder and stood motionless as her papers had drifted across the slick floor. He was opening his locker in the bank next to hers, his firm teenage biceps flexing as he spun the dial. His dark hair fell across his eyes, and he brushed it aside before suddenly turning to her. All she saw was startling blue. Her heart hammered against her chest as he swept over to gather the papers.

“I think these are yours,” he said, a captivating smile lingering on his lips. He straightened the papers before handing them to her.

She looked into his deep-blue eyes, and her legs became jelly. “Thanks,” she said in an uncharacteristic whisper.

“You’re welcome. I’m Brandon.”

“Embry.” Gathering herself, she said, “You’re new here.”

“I am. Maybe you can show me around after school.”

That was six years ago. After four years of marriage and two babies, he still had the power to make her heart race. That’s what got us into this predicament, she thought.

He swiped a napkin across his lips. “You’re not eating much, darlin’. Is your burger okay?”

“Yes! It’s good. Delicious,” she added, taking a quick bite to prove it. “I’m just enjoying this alone time with you,” she said around her food.

“Me too. We need more nights out, don’t we?”

“That would be nice,” she said. But it’s not going to happen. Oh dear. That was true, wasn’t it? An intoxicating cocktail of nerves and nausea shot through her stomach, and she reached for her mug of club soda. How long could she keep the news from him? It’d been only twelve hours, and it was scratching at her insides, begging to be revealed. She tried for a cleansing breath.

Inhale, exhale.


A hopeful smile lit his face. “I can’t wait for the day I can quit my bartending job. I swear, if I never have to make another dirty martini, I’ll die a happy man.”

“I want that for you too,” she said earnestly. “You work so hard for all of us. Maybe it’s time I start doing something. I can work from home building websites. There was a time I Copyright 2016 - 2024