Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,27

her sweatshirt in her fists. What if it was something even worse? Had Embry seen Brandon dancing with her in the rain? She hadn’t even considered it at the time. What if Kylie had been looking out the window and asked what Daddy was doing with Miss Riki? Her face burned. She reached her apartment and let herself in. Leaning against the door, she squeezed her eyes shut and, without warning, an image of Brandon crashed into her mind. He looked at her, a half smile on his face. “It was sure nice dancing with you, Riki. You’re a real sweetheart.” And he skimmed a hand across her cheek before pressing his lips to hers.

She flung her eyes open. No! She couldn’t think of him that way. What the hell was wrong with her? She was acting like a desperate addict. That description fit too well. She was addicted to her feelings for him. Was this how alcoholics felt when they vowed not to take one more drink, but the beer or whatever was right there, close enough to grab, yet doing so would only send them down a dark rabbit hole of despair? Because nothing good was coming from these mixed-up feelings. Nothing whatsoever. She set her purse on the table and took the stolen headshot from it. Brandon’s eyes appeared to be staring right at her. It was a wonder he wasn’t a major Hollywood heartthrob yet. How would Embry feel when he did make it big? She would have to endure watching him on the big screen, making out with any number of beautiful actresses. Was that what had made her sad tonight? The thought of Brandon kissing a soap star? That’s all they seemed to do on soap operas—kiss, marry, and, well, murder. She stuffed the headshot back into her purse. She’d have to find a good hiding place for it. Or better yet, she should sneak it into the back of Brandon’s truck so it looked like he’d dropped it. That was the best way to go. If she kept it here, she’d probably start talking to it like it was real.


Well, it was only a sprain. Sylvia almost wished for a cast instead of the ridiculous brace that made it look like she had a robotic arm. A cast would suggest a real injury—one that warranted her reaction to the pain.

But maybe the pain was phantom, transferred to her wrist from the unsettling feelings that twisted through her. Hugh hadn’t responded. No text, no call. Nothing. She stared absently at the wall. Her eyes slid onto a puddle that spread across the kitchen floor. Had she inadvertently knocked over a glass? She stood to investigate where the water was coming from. A trail trickled down from the window. It was open just a crack but apparently enough to create a flood. Just what she needed! Grabbing a rag with her good hand, she awkwardly began mopping up the spill. It was her fault for leaving the window open, but she wanted someone else to blame.

She pushed the window closed and chucked the rag into the sink, where it landed with a thud. It had been years since she’d witnessed a storm like this. Maybe even decades. If this kept up, the damn stair would only get worse. She picked up her phone and clicked on Jonathan’s number. He was the perfect recipient for her anger. But after four rings, his voice mail came on. The idiot. He was clearly screening his calls.

At the beep, she began speaking. “Hello, Jonathan, this is Sylvia in apartment D. You said you would do the repairs, and yet my stair is still broken. As it is, I’ve already had a nasty fall on the wet asphalt. The cracked stair will only worsen in the rain, and I’m certain you don’t want me to take a tumble and break my neck. That would create quite a mess for you, wouldn’t it? I would be dead, so I suppose it wouldn’t matter to me, but nonetheless, I suggest you get right to it.” That should do it. The man was an imbecile, but he wouldn’t want a dead body on his hands.

She stared out the window at the slamming rain. What a fun-filled night it had been. Sliding onto her favorite spot on the sofa, she flicked on the TV. She scrolled through the channels distractedly, her mind occupied by Hugh once again. What the hell was going on Copyright 2016 - 2024