Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,26

be around. Riki wished she could be more like her. But the truth was, she often felt stiff and robotic in social situations. But Embry was like the sun, shining on even the sorriest little sprout. “Peppermint sounds great. Thanks.” A messy stack of papers sat on the table, and next to it was a professional-looking photo of Brandon. Riki spun it with one finger so she could see it better. “Wow. Is this his acting picture?” she asked, only slightly aware of the awe in her voice.

“Yeah. He had an audition today, but they already had his headshot. He must’ve forgotten to put that one back in his work folder,” she said as she placed two teacups on the counter before turning to the stove top.

Riki slid the picture closer and realized there were two stuck together. Her pulse raced. Could I? Without giving it another thought, she swept the top headshot into her purse, sliding it under the books while Embry poured hot water into the mugs. She swallowed hard. “Yeah, I ran into him when I got home from work. He mentioned Days of Our Lives. That’s so cool.”

“I hope he gets the part. It’s been a struggle.” Her voice was brimming with frustration as she brought the teacups to the table.

Riki met her eyes and nodded. “I can imagine.” She sipped the hot tea, but Embry held up a hand, stopping her. For a fleeting second, Riki wondered if she was going to snatch the cup and throw the hot liquid in her face. Had she seen what Riki had done?

“Wait on that a sec. I almost forgot the best part.” She flitted to the kitchen and returned with a plate of honey pops.

Riki’s eyes sprang wide. “Yum! I love when you make these,” she said, relief flooding through her as she realized Embry didn’t know after all. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m now a thief. This was bad. Terrible. It wasn’t like she could return the photo, claiming it fell off the table and into her purse. Any reasonable person would know that was a fat lie. So she would keep it. And if I’m smart, I’ll burn it.

“They are good, aren’t they?” Embry said, taking a lick. “Kylie and I made them this morning. I’m struggling for ideas to keep her entertained,” she said, her eyes downcast as she slowly swirled her tea. “I feel like I’m a terrible mom half the time.” When she looked back up, her eyes were glossy.

“You’re an amazing mom!” Riki rushed to say as she stirred the honey pop in her tea. Seeing Embry upset tore at her. “I’m always so impressed with how patient and sweet you are with your kids.” She covered Embry’s hand with her own and squeezed. “They’re really fortunate to have you as their mom. And Brandon is lucky too.” Saying the words aloud was cleansing. In her heart, she knew both Brandon and Embry were lucky to have each other. They were perfect together. She was the one who was terrible, not Embry. “What’s making you feel this way?”

Embry pressed a hand to her face and shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s the baby blues.” She attempted a laugh. “Or sleep deprivation. Carson isn’t a great sleeper, as you know.”

She nodded. “I’m here anytime you need help, okay? With anything. I’ll watch the kids so you can rest, or I’ll go to the store for you, or whatever. Happily, okay?”

She sniffed. “Thanks, Riki. I’m sorry for complaining. I’m sure I’m just tired.”

“I should let you get some sleep. I’ll check in tomorrow.” Riki stood. “Thanks for the tea.”

“Always a pleasure,” Embry said, standing to hug her. “Good night. And thank you.”

Riki hugged her back. As she did, her nostrils filled with the sweet scent of roses. If Embry had been the one to take Sylvia to the urgent care, she would’ve walked away smelling like a rose while Riki itched for a shower. It wasn’t fair. She dropped her arms and fumbled for a smile. “See you later.” She slipped out the door and into the driving rain. As she sped toward home, her thoughts lingered on Embry. She made being a mom look so easy. It was strange that she had come so close to crying tonight. Was she experiencing postpartum depression? Riki didn’t know much about it, but she knew it existed. Could it come on seven months after having a baby, though?

She gripped the sleeves of Copyright 2016 - 2024