Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,138

terrible tragedy. I’m so sorry to have to share this, but I thought you should know.”

“Yeah. Thanks. This isn’t my fault, you know. They didn’t say anything about liability, did they?”

“No, they didn’t.” Always looking out for number one, aren’t you, she thought. “I’ll leave the juice and crackers here for you. Make sure to stay hydrated.” She gave him a sad smile and walked down the stairs.

Back in her apartment, she sat on the sofa and wrapped a throw blanket around her shivering body. The morning sky was layered with ominous clouds, and she couldn’t escape the feeling that Hugh’s ghost was storming through the sky. She reached for the note from Nadine. She needed some comfort to slough off the sorrow of the previous night. She unfolded the pages and began reading.

Dearest Sylvia,

If you’re reading this, it means I’ve passed on to the great hereafter. I’m hoping the letter will be frayed and soft with age by the time you do, but we never know when our time is up, do we? Over the last few years, you have become like a daughter to me. I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished with your life. I know you keep your childhood secrets close to your heart, but from what you’ve shared, I know you grew up without much. If you had been my little girl, I would have loved you every second of every day. It’s what you deserve—what any of us deserve, really. I loved Jonathan that way, but for reasons I still can’t comprehend, he wasn’t able to love me in return. Some days it makes me quite sad, to the point where I look at old photo albums and cry. But then I dust myself off and look at the person who’s not related by blood but who is here for me every day, whether it’s something small, like loaning me a stick of butter, or something big, like taking me to the doctor and sitting by my side. You, Sylvia, have been here for me unconditionally. I love you for it. And I love you for the wonderful person you are. Don’t forget that, dear. As I told you once before, this book by Maya Angelou is one I’ve treasured. Read it when you’re ready. My hope is that it will mean as much to you as it’s meant to me. It is the best gift I could think to leave you with.

My other gift to you is the property at 1054 Mockingbird Lane. Please see the accompanying page for my trust and will. (You would be proud—I learned how to do this on the internet.) It’s all legal and binding. And of course, I’ve had it looked at by an attorney friend. Her name is Lianne Wallis. Contact her with any questions. (424) 555-9800.

With love and best wishes always,


Sylvia set the letter aside, her mind whirring. The place was hers. Nadine was surely smiling at Sylvia’s surprise. Too bad for Jonathan that she hadn’t read the letter sooner. It would’ve saved him from what was certain to be a slamming headache today. On second thought, he deserved it.

Riki spent the day going through notes and pictures her students had made for her throughout the year. It gave her comfort from the horror of last night. She had been afraid to go outside and see the spot where that man had fallen. Now it was almost five.

She sighed as she smoothed a note from Jeremy into her stack. Would the parents have rallied so hard against her if they knew how much she loved their children? How much time she’d spent fostering their strengths and patiently working through their weaknesses? All because she cared. But those parents were too self-important to see it. A tear slid down her cheek, but she shoved back from the table and headed for the bathroom. It’s not like anyone I love died last night, she reminded herself bitterly.

She splashed cold water on her face and dabbed antiseptic cream along her stitches. Bags looked like bruises beneath her eyes, but only time would fix that. She smoothed her hair into a ponytail and resumed her spot at the kitchen table, where she began piling the papers back into a box. As she picked up a card from Penelope covered in colorful Crayola hearts and the words, I love you so so so so much, Miss McFarlan! the tears spilled over. She tossed the card into the box and shoved Copyright 2016 - 2024