Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,121


“Are you going to do it?”

“Yeah. I feel like I have to.”

“Okay, let me know if I can help.” She frowned as she ended the call. This was just weird. A noise sounded outside, and she peered through the window. Brandon was closing the short picket fence behind him, keys in hand. Hurrying outside, she called to him.


“Hey yourself.” He crossed to her, and she fell into step with him as they walked toward the carport. “I’ve got my callback today.”

She had planned on asking about the weird plan for tonight, but his perfect appearance jolted her train of thought. “Wow! Okay. You look amazing. You’re going to kill it. I just know it.”

“Thanks. You’re always cheering me on. My agent says if I go through on this one, the next step is a chemistry test with the handful of actors who are also up for series-regular roles. And then they’ll decide if I’m it or not.”

They stopped near his truck. “I was with Evelyn this weekend. I texted you, but I’m not sure if you got it. Anyway, she had really good things to say about you and your audition.”

“Really?” His eyes lit up. “What’d she say?”

“Just that you were great and they’re rooting for you.” Those weren’t her exact words, but it was how she’d taken them. And what was so wrong with giving him some hope? He needed it.

“That’s really good to hear. Really good,” he repeated. “Is she a close friend of yours? You were with her all weekend?”

“With a big group, yeah.” Riki’s eyes suddenly burned and filled with tears. She pressed her hands to her face. “Oh my God. I don’t know what came over me. I mean, I do, but—”

“Hey now. What’s going on?”

“I’m so embarrassed.” She shook her head and forced back the stupid tears. “We were on a trip with friends. The guy she’s dating is a friend of my boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend as of yesterday.” She blew out a breath and met his eyes. For the first time, she didn’t want him to drop everything and kiss her. It was more of a wish that she could find someone like him. Someone funny and kind and handsome.

His eyes were soft, compassionate. “Aw, man. The guy’s an idiot, okay? You’re a great girl. The right guy is out there for you.”

She searched his eyes, wanting to see a flicker of truth in them, as though he were a fortune-teller. “How did you know with Embry?” she finally asked.

“Ah.” He swiped a hand across his mouth as though hiding a private smile. “I didn’t really come to know she was the one for me. It was more like I was struck by a bulldozer. I met her and never wanted to leave. We just fit. Now, I don’t know if that happens with everyone—in fact, I got damn lucky—but if you know what you want in a partner and are open to it, I think your person finds you.”

She wrapped her arms around her middle. “That’s a good way to look at it. Thanks.” Smiling, she said, “It makes it pretty clear that Chris wasn’t the one for me. Some strangers were nicer to me than he was.” She bit back her desire to tell him about the accident. About Dr. Hart with the big heart. He had an important audition to focus on.

“Well, it sounds like you’re better off. Don’t take crumbs when you deserve the whole cake.”

“I’ll remember that. Break a leg.”

He smiled and climbed into his truck. As she jogged back toward her apartment, a feeling pushed its way to the surface, fighting to be recognized until it was in full bloom. Oh my God, she thought as his truck trundled past her down the driveway. I haven’t really wanted Brandon all this time—I just want to be loved in the way that he loves Embry. She lifted her hand to wave, even though she knew he couldn’t see her, and she watched as his truck grew smaller and smaller in the distance until it disappeared completely. “Bye, Brandon,” she whispered. Her mind crept back to her epiphany, poking and prodding it to see if it was real. Yes. It’s always been that. She startled at the new adult-sounding tone that emerged as the voice in her head, and she walked into her apartment. Everything was exactly as she’d left it, but she was different. The uncomfortable guilt that had clung to her for so long began to evaporate, and Copyright 2016 - 2024