Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,114

an annoyed look on Chris’s face popped into her mind, forcing her to decline his offer. “Thanks, but I’m okay.” She bit her lip, wondering if she should say, If you’re ever in LA, give me a call. Here’s my number. The thought alone made her heart race so fast, she knew it was a bad idea. What if he looked at her like a child and gave her a pitying smile? He was clearly just a nice guy. So instead, she said, “Have a good night.”

“You too. And keep an eye on your stitches. Take it easy, okay?”

She let herself out of the car and walked into the lodge. Calvin spotted her first. He waved a hand high above his head and called her name. Riki straightened her jacket and strode toward the table. Evelyn hopped from her seat and rushed toward her. “Oh my God! We were so worried. I saw I had a missed call from you when I finally was able to charge my phone. Where’d you go?”

“I was at the urgent care. I texted Chris and called him too. I guess his phone died.”

Evelyn gripped her by the arms and scanned her up and down, looking for a sling or cast, Riki presumed. “What the hell? Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I had to get some stitches.” She pulled down the zipper of her jacket enough to give Evelyn a look.

“You poor thing!” She led her to the table, a firm grip on her arm. “Chris! Did you know your girlfriend was injured?”

He looked up with a droopy gaze. “Huh? Oh, hey, Riki!” He scrambled off the barstool and tripped his way to her. “Where’d you go? I checked the condo, but you weren’t there.”

Riki sighed. Evelyn glared at Chris before wedging her way back to the empty stool next to Liam. “I tried telling you, but you were too busy ordering drinks.” She revealed her puffy bandage, half hoping he’d pass out.

A nervous laugh fell from his lips. “What?”

“I got hurt, and I tried calling you, but you weren’t there.” The entire group was now leaning forward over their drinks, edging in to hear. She felt like a circus freak.

“Dude, you suck,” Eddie said loudly. “I told you that you should’ve waited when she didn’t show up after that run.” He shook his head and turned his eyes to Riki. “If I were dating you, I would’ve waited.”

Chris eyed him, and for a scary second, Riki thought a fight might break out. But then Chris eased out a chuckle. “A girl like Riki would never date a guy like you. And, dude, we got separated in the snow. It happens.” He grabbed Riki by the hand and led her to the semiquiet foyer of the bar.

Relief and rage stormed inside Riki. Rage won. She pulled her hand from his. “A stranger had to take me to the urgent care. And the freaking doctor brought me back here. I kept telling everyone that you would call, that it would be fine, but you didn’t. And it’s not fine, Chris. You just left me because Evelyn mentioned Brandon. What the hell is that about?” He shifted his feet and hung his head like a contrite little boy. “Can’t you even say something?”

“I’m sorry, okay? It pissed me off, and I needed a minute. I thought you would be right behind me! And when we got to the bottom, I realized you weren’t with us.”

“But you kept skiing.”


“Never mind. You’re drunk, and I want to go back.”

“I’ll walk with you.”

“You know what? Don’t bother.” She pushed past him and headed back to the table. “Hey, Calvin? Can I have the keys? I’m going back to the condo.”

He tossed them to her.

“Um, how do I get there?”

Shaking his head, he said, “I’ll walk with you.”

Ten minutes later, Calvin opened the door for Riki and poured her a glass of water. “Do you need anything else?” he asked.

“I’m okay. Thanks for walking with me.” The walk had been a quiet one, but Riki hadn’t been in the mood for idle conversation. The only thing she wanted to talk about was what a jerk Chris was being, but that would’ve put Calvin in an awkward position.

He nodded. “Give us a call if you need anything, okay? You have your cell?”

She held it up. “Yep. Thanks again. Don’t let Chris get too hammered.”

“Might be too late for that, but I’ll keep an eye on him.” He raised his hand in a wave and Copyright 2016 - 2024