Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,113

some mad skills.”

This time, her laugh was real. “A doctor and a comedian. That’s a great combo.”

Taking a bandage, he said, “All right. Let’s get this covered, and you are free to go.”

As he gently covered her stitches, her phone blared, and she startled. Pulling it from her pocket, she looked at the screen. Evelyn. “Hey.”

“Riki! Where are you?” Chris was shouting into the phone.

“Didn’t you get my messages? I called you,” she said, holding back a sob.

“My phone’s dead. I’m using Evelyn’s. Where the hell did you go?”

“I’m at the urgent care. I crashed into a fence.”

She waited for his reaction—a gasp or rushed words of concern—but he was too busy talking to someone else.

“No, dude. Get me another beer. I don’t want to mix my alcohols.” He was still shouting, and Riki could hear the buzz of a large crowd in the background. He was at a bar.

“Chris? Did you hear me? Can you come pick me up?”

“Wha? I can’t freaking drive right now. I’ve had, like, three beers. Where are you? If you’re at the condo, just walk over here. It’s close.”

Biting back angry words, she said, “Never mind. I’ll grab an Uber,” and ended the call.

Dr. Hart had busied himself making notes in her chart while she took the call. He glanced at her now. “There aren’t any Ubers up here.”

“Yeah. I know. He was drunk, so telling him would’ve been pointless.”

He nodded, but she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. His golden eyes reminded her of a lion’s, all-seeing and in control but revealing nothing. “I’m going to come right out and say it. Chris sounds like an ass.”

She sniffed. “He’s really not. It’s just . . . I think he had an idea of how this trip would go, but he forgot he was bringing me, not some super-athletic and spontaneous girl. I’m clumsy and a planner.”

A smile tugged his lips. “Do you want me to take you back to your condo?”

“That’d be great. Thanks.”

“And I apologize for sticking my nose in. I just . . .” He shook his head.

“It’s okay. You’ve been really nice.”

He tapped a hand against the door. “Let me tell Samantha up front we’re done here, and I’ll run you to your rental.”

This time when Riki buckled her seat belt, she wasn’t worried about checking the locks. Dr. Hart had changed from his doctor’s coat, and he suddenly looked like a guy. Like a hot guy who’d jumped right off a Hollister ad. Oh my God, she thought. He’s just spent an hour seeing me with makeup smeared down my face and messy hair. She snuck a look at him as he turned on the engine. His hands were strong but somehow elegant as they rested casually on the wheel. No white-knuckle driving for him.

“Are you staying near the slopes?”

“Yeah. I can’t remember exactly where the condo is, but maybe you can drop me at the lodge bar? That’s where my friends are.” She paused to take a breath. “It’s really nice of you to do this.”

He stole a glance at her and grinned. “You’ve had a tough day. I’m just trying to help it end on a good note.”

What a nice guy, she thought. He was so much more of an adult than a lot of guys she knew. Confident and capable. “Thanks.” She leaned her head against the soft leather of the seat. “You’ve accomplished that. In fact, listening to music with you while you . . . well, while you stitched—that word still grosses me out—was strangely the best part of the day.”

He laughed. “That is strange. But good. Makes me happy.”

A warm feeling ebbed through her as she gazed out the window. The light of day had been replaced by a blanket of darkness. “It’s so pretty. I could look at the falling snow for hours.” She clasped her hands in her lap. “You’re lucky to live up here.”

“It is magical. That’s for sure. You said you live in LA?” he asked as they pulled into the lodge parking lot.

“Yeah, I . . .” She stopped midsentence and leaned forward. A group of guys, hands shoved in pockets and heads down, was crossing to the bar. It was hard to determine if it was her group or not, but as they drew closer, she could tell it wasn’t them after all. “I thought those guys were my friends, but I guess not.”

“Do you want me to help you find them?”

Yes! Stay. But an image of Copyright 2016 - 2024