Lie, Lie Again - Stacy Wise Page 0,10

he was just another charmer. She’d told her friend Amelia, who taught second grade with her, about it, saying all the flattery seemed a little overkill, but Amelia had insisted he was probably smitten. “You’re one of those weirdos who doesn’t know how smart and pretty you are.” Riki didn’t know about that, but it felt good to believe that Chris’s kind words were sincere. And since then, he’d been very consistent and reliable, calling when he said he would and not canceling plans. That was important. Relationships were supposed to be built on love and respect, not on the flimsy wings of butterflies.

He opened his eyes and touched her hand that was now resting on his head. She hadn’t realized she’d stopped massaging. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Nothing.” She tucked the covers to her chin. “I’m still half-asleep.”

“So call in sick. Hell, call in sick tomorrow too. We need a long weekend.” His voice was thick with suggestion. Simple enough for him to call in sick. He was a PA on a reality show. Or maybe even an assistant to an assistant. It seemed he didn’t do much beyond fetching coffee. It was easy to have a slacker job when you were a trust-fund baby, but in his defense, he was still figuring out what his passion was. “Last night was amazing.”

It had been amazing. There was something irresistible about his touch. His caress was intoxicating, as if he had secret magical powers. Sometimes when she closed her eyes and wasn’t imagining Brandon, she believed that when she opened them, she’d see a man so gorgeous, he’d steal her breath. But in the light of day, lying next to him in bed, an inexplicable sense of loneliness washed over her.

With a flourish, she tossed the covers aside. “I can’t. It’s the jog-a-thon today. I have to shower.”

His head flopped onto the pillow.

She headed to the bathroom. They could talk later.

When she emerged, she was freshly scrubbed, shampooed, and dressed in jeans and her light-blue Ocean Avenue Academy T-shirt. All the teachers were required to wear their spirit wear for the jog-a-thon. Ocean Avenue was so much different from Clover Street Elementary, the public school where she’d taught for two years before getting pink-slipped. It was a sad fate for too many new teachers whose positions were eliminated due to a lack of funding. It’s why she’d been thrilled when she’d landed a position at Ocean Avenue. And Mrs. Fitzsimmons, the teacher Riki had replaced after her retirement, had left her with boxes of books, art supplies, and auction prizes. It was more than she could’ve dreamed of. Too bad no one had clued her in to the constricting strings that were attached to a private school.

Chris was perched on the edge of the bed, pulling his shirt over his head. She had the urge to sidle over to him and slip onto his lap for a last embrace, but she ignored it. “I have to run. Will you let yourself out?” she asked, gathering her purse and keys.

He stood. “I’m going now too.”

She crossed to the door and lugged her work tote onto her shoulder, careful not to rip it further, stealing a glimpse at Chris as she did. His keys dangled from his index finger. He flipped them into his palm and closed his hand. “Are you okay? You seem jumpy.”

She placed her hand on the doorknob and wished she were more skilled at masking her feelings. “I just don’t want to be late. The jog-a-thon is apparently a big deal.” She turned to peck his lips. “Thanks for coming over.”

Tilting her chin up with his finger, he whispered, “All I want is to make you happy.” When she didn’t respond, he said, “And I’d like to continue giving you multiple orgasms on a regular basis if you’re interested.”

She bit her lip and looked at him.

“I know we haven’t talked about being exclusive, but I’m kind of assuming we are, being that we’re sleeping together. Were you worried about that?” He cupped her cheek with his hand, and she felt close to tears, but not for the reasons he probably imagined.

Touching his hand with hers felt like the right thing to do. “Kind of. Are you saying you aren’t dating anyone else?”

“That’s what I’m saying.” He smiled, but she could see a hint of fear in his eyes. It was obvious he cared about her. “Are you seeing other guys?”

She playfully punched his arm. “No! Only you. Copyright 2016 - 2024