Liar (Madison Kate #2) - Tate James Page 0,130


I took a couple of steadying breaths, fighting back the looming panic clawing at my mind. But seriously, was it too much to ask for just one day of normalcy?

"So why are you here?" I asked Zane directly. "I get the feeling this violates whatever bullshit agreement you all have."

He gave me a tight smile and a head dip of acknowledgement. "It does," he replied, "but some things are too important to sit on for long. Especially when the correct channels of communication are being ignored." He shot this last part to his brother, who just scowled and folded his thickly muscled arms over his chest.

"This has nothing to do with you, Zane," Archer snapped, his voice like a thunder crack. "I won't tell you again. Get off my fucking property before you give Cass an instant promotion."

The Reapers’ second-in-command raised his hands in a mockery of surrender and barked a harsh laugh. "I'm good with my current position, thanks. Besides, I'm with Zane on this one. She deserves to know." He jerked his head toward me, and my brows shot up.

"Deserves to know what?" I demanded, parking my hands on my hips and doing everything possible to ignore the heart two steps below me.

Archer was ignoring me, though. So were Kody and Steele. That in itself filled me with near suffocating dread.

"Leave now," Archer ordered Zane. "This is between Madison Kate and me. No one else."

Zane's lips twisted in a cruel smile. "If that were the truth, I'd happily give my apologies and leave. But it's not. It can't be between the two of you when she knows nothing about it. 'Cause she doesn't, does she? It’s so fucking obvious it'd almost be funny—if it wasn't Deb's daughter you were hurting."

"Someone tell me what the fuck you're all talking about before I start shooting people myself," I snapped, glaring at anyone who'd look at me. Spoiler alert, none of them would, except Zane.

"Don't fucking do this, Zane," Archer warned his brother. "You really don't want to make us your enemies, and you know it."

The Reaper's leader hesitated. For whatever reason, he was afraid of his little brother.

"Zane," I barked. "Start fucking talking."

"Do it, boss," Cass added in that rough, broken-gravel voice of his. "She's gotta know."

Zane shot Archer another look, but this time it was full of regret and resignation. "Sorry, brother. You brought this mess on yourself. Maybe you'll think twice next time an in-debt businessman offers to sell his daughter."

Time. Fucking. Stopped.

Steele's shoulders slumped and his face dropped, his hood hiding his real reaction.

Kody breathed a curse, his hand tightening on his gun but not letting his aim leave Zane for even a second. Not even while his panicked gaze shot to me.

But Archer? He may as well have been made from stone for all the emotion he showed.

Zane pulled a stack of folded papers from his jacket pocket and tossed them toward me, letting them hit the steps right beside the bloody heart.

"It's all there, if you want to fact-check it. Your father sold you—and your trust fund—just a week after you were arrested." He paused, looking disgusted. It was his next words that rocked me to my core, though. Words that would become printed across my mind like a cattle brand.

"Congratulations, Mrs. D'Ath. Welcome to the family."

To be continued in


Madison Kate #3

Coming August 31st, 2020

Note From The Author

Hey you! How are you? Your kindle still alive? I hope so, they’re valuable things and not to be thrown across the room lightly. Besides… if you’ve been reading me for a while you know I’ve done waaaaay worse before!

But seriously, though. How badly do you wanna junk punk Archer right now?

Don’t worry, MK feels the same way! And you don’t have to wait long for the next installment in her story. Fake releases on August 31st and then the whole series will complete in book 4 - Kate - about 2 months after that.

Easy. Peasy.

I know lately my authors notes have had a little of the thundercloud sort of vibe, so I’ll keep this one a little more upbeat. This book - Liar - has been one of my absolute favorites to write yet. The story just flowed out so easily, even though it went a solid 20,000 words over my “goal” word count. I love all of these characters so freaking hard it’s seriously just so enjoyable to write them!

A serious shout out this time, though, to John Snow. No… not Jon Snow. JoHn Snow… the multi-talented other half to Kaydence Snow (author extraordinaire) who created a brand spanking new writing program for us to use. John, dude bro, you killed it. If not for you, this book would have taken double the amount of time to write!

I don’t think I’ll find many people to disagree when I say that 2020 has fucking sucked. Like… seriously fucking sucked. But (so far) we’re still here, and we’re still standing. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and I for one am excited to see how we all emerge into 2021.

In the meantime, I’m doing my best to push out some awesome stories for you to escape the bullshit of the world. I’m challenging myself with every paragraph, every dialogue and every chapter to step it up and improve my craft, and I really hope you agree after reading Liar.

So stay tuned… Fake will (hopefully) blow your fucking socks off. Or maybe just your knickers… *shrug*

Thanks for sticking with me! You, my readers, make this life so rewarding for a pink haired weirdo talking to the voices in her head all day long.


Also By Tate James

Madison Kate Story

(Dark NA Contemporary Romance)



#3 FAKE (2020)

#4 KATE (2020)

The Royal Trials

(Complete Fantasy series)

#1 Imposter

#2 Seeker

#3 Heir

Kit Davenport

(Complete PNR series)

#1 The Vixen’s Lead

#2 The Dragon’s Wing

#3 The Tiger’s Ambush

#4 The Viper’s Nest

#5 The Crow’s Murder

#6 The Alpha’s Pack

Novella: The Hellhound’s Legion

Box Set: Kit Davenport: The Complete Series

Dark Legacy

(Complete Dark Contemporary high school romance)

#1 Broken Wings

#2 Broken Trust

#3 Broken Legacy

Royals of Arbon Academy

(Complete Dark contemporary/dystopian college romance)

#1 Princess Ballot

#2 Playboy Princes

#3 Poison Throne

Hijinx Harem

(Complete RomCom PNR series)

#1 Elements of Mischief

#2 Elements of Ruin

#3 Elements of Desire

The Wild Hunt Motorcycle Club

(Dark PNR/Fantasy series)

#1 Dark Glitter

#2 Cruel Glamour (2021)

Foxfire Burning

(UF/PNR series)

#1 The Nine

#2 The Tail Game (2020)

#3 TBC (2021)

Undercover Sinners

(Dark Contemporary Suspense Romance)

#1 Altered By Fire

#2 Altered by Lead

#3 Altered by Pain (2020)

Forgotten Gods

(Urban Fantasy series)

#1 Feral Magic

#2 TBC Copyright 2016 - 2024