Liar (Madison Kate #2) - Tate James Page 0,122

gave us a pretty bad scare, gorgeous."

I frowned. My brain was like mashed potato, and all my thoughts scattered and spliced with scenes from some kind of horror movie. "I feel like decaying roadkill," I replied in that hoarse whisper. "What happened to me?"

Steele shot a look at the other boys, not answering me. "Maybe we should get the doctor in here now that she's awake?"

"No," Kody replied, folding his arms. His brow was drawn in a deep scowl, and his green eyes swam with worry. "No, tell her everything we know. Secrets just keep biting us in the ass, and I'm fucking done. Tell her what happened, and then we'll let the doc know she's awake."

Steele let out a frustrated sigh, sweeping his hand over his face and fiddling with his eyebrow piercing. He looked to Archer, but the big guy just gave a stern nod.

"We don't fully understand how it happened," Steele said, his gray eyes holding mine as he spoke softly and carefully, "but your toxicology report showed fentanyl in your system. Based on how out of it you were, it’s safe to say you’d had an overdose."

My brows shot up and my pulse raced. "Isn't that lethal?"

"Yes," Kody replied before Steele could sugarcoat it. Not that he would, but Kody was clearly at the end of his patience about something. "In large doses, like we suspect you were given, yeah, it's lethal. Fast, too."

I swallowed, remembering how fast it’d acted after I drank Drew's drink. How my body had failed me on the way out to the parking lot...

"So why aren't I dead?" I asked.

The three of them exchanged a look—sounds hard to do, but they pulled it off—before Steele answered me. "We think someone gave you a dose of Narcan before you were locked in the trunk of my car. Your nose was bloody, and there was no way you wouldn't have been dead otherwise."

I frowned, reaching my hand up to touch my nose. There had been something...

"So someone tried to kill me, then changed their mind and gave me an opioid reversal, but then dumped me in the trunk of your car to... what?" It wasn't making sense. Why bother drugging me in the first place? "Wait," I said, closing my eyes and rubbing at them. I was still so dizzy and nauseous. "Wait, it wasn't my drink. It was Drew's."

Kody shouted a curse, scrubbing his hand over his face, and Archer just looked grim.

"That sort of makes more sense," Steele pondered aloud, tapping at his chin with his fingertips. "The fentanyl was meant for Drew—to kill her—but MK drank it instead and whoever was responsible panicked and tried to reverse the dose with Narcan."

This was all making my head pound. "Why was someone trying to kill Drew?"

"Any one of probably a hundred reasons," Steele muttered, a bit snarky.

"None of which we can ask her," Kody added. He blew out a long breath, rubbing his tired eyes before meeting my gaze. "Drew was murdered tonight. Her throat was slit and her body left behind the dumpsters at the party venue."

My jaw dropped. "What?"

Kody grimaced, and now I understood why he was so worked up. His ex-girlfriend had been murdered and his current girlfriend almost murdered... Yeah, that was bound to wind the tension up pretty tight.

"I'm going to get the doctor," Steele announced, standing up from his chair. "MK needs to be checked over properly, now that she's awake."

Neither of the boys objected this time, so I got the feeling they'd told me everything important. Or anything directly relating to how I'd almost died in the trunk of a car, at any rate.

"Can I get you anything?" Kody offered when I remained silent after Steele left the room. "I don't know if food is allowed, but I can go and ask."

My stomach churned violently at the mention of food, and I groaned. "No food," I replied with a grimace. "I feel like I'm hovering on the edge of vomiting as it is."

Kody nodded, frowning. "That's the fentanyl, I think. The paramedics gave you a dose of Narcan when we found you and it's in your IV, but it'll take a few hours yet for the fentanyl to pass through your system."

"Kody," Archer said, speaking for the first time since I’d woken up, with his voice low and husky, "can you give us a second? Go and grab us all some coffees or some shit."

Kody scowled. "That takes longer than a second, dickhead."

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